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The Embarrassing Parrot Experience Poem


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At the Cotswold Wild Life Park,

In the merry month of May,

I paid the man the money

And went in to spend the day.

Straightway to the Pets Corner

I turned my eager feet,

To go and see the rabbits

And give them something to eat.


As I approached the hutches

I was alarmed to see

A crowd of little yobbos,

'Ollerin' with glee,

I crept up close behind them

And weighed the scene up quick,

And saw them poke the rabbits,

Poke them! . . with a stick!


'Get off you little buggers!"

I shouted in their ear,

'Don't you poke them rabbits,

That's not why they are here."

I must have really scared them,

In seconds they were gone,

And feelin' I had done some good

I carried on along.


Till up beside the Parrots Cage

I stood to view the scene,

They was lovely parrots,

Beautiful blue and green,

In and out the nestbox,

They was really having fun,

Squawking out and flying about,

All except for one.


One poor old puffed-up parrot

Clung grimly to his perch,

And as the wind blew frontwards

Backwards he would lurch,

One foot up in his feathers,

Abandoned by the rest,

He sat there, plainly dying,

His head upon his chest.


Well, I walked on down the pathway

And I stroked a nanny goat,

But the thought of parrots dyin'

Brought a lump into me throat,

I could no longer stand it,

And to the office I fled,

Politely I began: 'Scuse me,

Your parrot's nearly dead."


So me and a curator,

In urgent leaps and bounds

With a bottle of Parrot Cure

Dashed across the grounds.

The dust flew up around us,

As we reached the Parrots Pen

And the curator he turned to me

Saying 'Which one is it then?"


You know what I am going to say,

He was not there at all,

At least, not where I left him,

No, he flit from wall to wall,

As brightly as a button

Did he squawk and jump and leap,

The curator was very kind,

Saying, "I expect he was asleep."


But I was humiliated

As I stood before the wire,

The curator went back

To put his feet up by the fire,

So I let the parrot settle

And after a short search,

I found the stick the yobbos had,

And poked him off his perch!!

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This, coming from Jill. If memory serves me right, she was the same one to charge in to rescue a wild bird only to discover it was a plastic bag. LOL. As I was reading, I was expecting a dramatic rescue and then laughed so hard, I nearly needed a rescue myself. LOL.

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This, coming from Jill. If memory serves me right, she was the same one to charge in to rescue a wild bird only to discover it was a plastic bag. LOL


OMG! You have such a good memory! I hate you!!! Ha Ha, yes, indeed - the rescued bag at the side of the road which indeed did look like a bird!! IT DID!!


Lyn - it's a Pam Ayres poem - she won opportunity knocks in 1975 with it! Don't worry - all fiction!!!

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I have read this again and again... committing it to memory, LOL. Unfortunately, I can see myself running to rescue a sleeping bird, and maybe thinking about it... but not poking it with a stick, but it still makes me laugh and make everyone in the family listen to another recitation. LOL.

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This, coming from Jill. If memory serves me right, she was the same one to charge in to rescue a wild bird only to discover it was a plastic bag. LOL.

Lol yes, and I'm sure she rescued a worm out of a puddle once - and pigeons from a broom cupboard at work!!

Pam is funny - I have never heard this one though, thanks!

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