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Emergency: Bird flew


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My bird Shanti has flown out an open door. I have made posters for neighborhood, put his cage outside with toys, contacted animal control/humane society, notified neighbors and searched. It is now dark -- been gone a couple of hours. I've been calling his name in the backyard. What else can I do? All advice appreciated.

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Post flyers on telephone poles, on the bulletin boards in your local grocery store and gas station. Call your local veterinarians to make them aware of your lost grey. If you live near a school post close to there also. Ask your neighborhood children, if you can to let you know if they see or hear about anyone who has a found a parrot. Go out early in the AM and in evening if you can with Shanti's favorite treats and call out his favorite call sounds/words. Whatever you do, don't give up Shanti is waiting for you to find him. Prayers coming your way for Shanti's quick and safe return.

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Post on the internet in places like Craig's List & 911 Parrot Alert on Yahoo & any other forums. You could also let us know where you are.


I hope Shanti will be home soon.


Thanks to both of you and anyone else who posts. I'm too upset to reply at length, but I'm reading everything and taking the advice. I will update soon.

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Oh David - my heart goes out to you. This is the worst experience we envisage when we have a bird. Best of luck to you. He will be out there, looking for you and hoping you find him too. Don't give up hope - there have been so many success stories on this forum. Keep us updated - we will all be thinking of you.

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Anything, yet? And was that your post on 911 Parrot Alerts? Is Shanti loose somewhere in Ventura County CA?


Yes, that's me. I posted on other sites as well. Also, took out ad in local paper classified. Also posters and walking around neighborhood. Notified vets, Humane Society, Animal Shelters, Raptor Center, etc. So far nothing. But it hasn't even been 24 hrs yet. The bad part is that he flew just before sundown, so we didn't have daylight hours to search yesterday.


Thanks for all the help.

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Oh Boy, I know the intense anxiety you are going throughDdavid. It sounds like you are using every resource you can to find Shanti. Thanks for keeping this updated amongst your frantic search.


He has become a great flyer, and the weather is good, so he may be ok. Shantireadytofly.jpg

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I am so hoping Shanti comes looking for you and finds you. Keep your hopes alive and keep going out there looking for him. He may just be hunkered down, hiding and waiting for the moment to let you know where to find him. Bless you and Shanti during this painful time.

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Don't give up hope... I'm positive he's out there looking for you and someone will see him. Make sure you keep your cell phone with you and give out your number... You can always change it when you find him... Let us know when you get him back. Keep the faith through these difficult hours...Everyone here is sending you all their prayers and well wishes.... me included.


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Have there been any sightings yet? Praying for Shanti's safe return.


Thanks for all your prayers and good thoughts. No sign of Shanti yet, but we are not giving up hope.


Shanti flew with about a one-second window of opportunity. Someone opened a sliding glass door just to exit quickly. The door was open only enough for the person to exit sideways. Shanti was at least 10 feet from the door. But that's all it took. Almost no time and a very small space, and he was gone into the light and sky.


My advice would be to NEVER open a door or window when a flighted bird is out of its cage.

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I hope you find Shanti and appreciate you sharing this. My bird is only 5 months old, was clipped by the breeder before shipping and is not yet fully flighted. We open the sliding door all the time to let the dogs in and out. This is a hard lesson for you but a valuale lesson for me. I will be making adjustments to our practices.

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I was hoping to hear some good news by now but she could still be nearby but is keeping a low profile so as not to be noticed by predators, keep looking and did you contact Parrot Alert as they are a new group but you may be able to contact others from the area you are from and more eyes on the lookout the better.

Here is their website: http://www.911parrotalert.com/

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Keep the faith. Shanti is out there waiting for you. Keep calling and calling. I'm feeling so bad for you right now and wish there were more we all could do. Just know that we're keeping you close in our hearts and wishing for a safe and speedy return of Shanti.

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