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Who's a clever bird then? contest ~CLOSED~

Guest briansmum

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Guest briansmum

I think we need some more action in this room! and what better way to get everyone involved than a comp! so i give you the "who's a clever bird?" competition.


we all know our greys have immense intelligence and their health and happiness depends on them having the opportunity to put their big birdy brains to use. so get training!


i want to see photo evidence or even better video footage of your bird being a genius :) also to help out other members include a description of your training process (how you started, props used, rewards given, time spent training etc)


so whether your bird waves, counts, spells, knows colours, spins round or plays dead get snapping and recording!


to give you all plenty of time to get your greys cogs turning and find your cameras this competition will run for one month.




..oh almost forgot, runner up will get 5 karma, and first place will get 10 plus a mystery prize! oooOOOoooh!


rules rundown:

- must be a trick you or a family member has taught your bird

- no limit on entries per person

- doesn't have to be a grey but does have to be your bird

- nothing too rude! :ohmy:

- have fun with your birdy!


I will be asking for your votes at the end.


ready... steady... GO!


Post edited by: xxbeccyxx, at: 2007/08/24 18:13


Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/26 00:13<br><br>Post edited by: briansmum, at: 2007/10/26 19:12

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Guest briansmum

just to be clear everyone not just tricks, but anything you've trained your bird to do that demonstrates their capacity to learn, going potty where they're supposed to or staying on their perch when you want them to are examples of ways we train our birds and gets them thinking about what we want from them.

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Way to go Beccy, looks like you are starting off right, way better than I could with this room. I expect great things out of you and with this, you are well on your way, and I will do better where I can run my mouth, since that is what I am better at.{Emotions-0002007D}

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Oh well then. Que is trained to stay on her play gym. She only gets off of it on her own if something spooks her otherwise she well stay there for hours.

Topaz is not a grey but she is harness trained. She well let me put on and take it off without making a fuss about it.

With this heat however all I do is take her out the door walk once around the yard and come back in. lol But she is ready when fall gets here.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/24 18:37

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Guest briansmum

i think if you could get a video or photos of you putting the harness on topaz that would make a good entry. it takes a well trained bird to sit still for that! :)

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I don't have photographic evidence of Beckett thinking - but-- when I got her we let her stay out all day on her cage while I was at work.

Joe, my partner would go to the kitchen at lunchtime, and make some lunch. Beckett could see this where she is. Then he would go to the table and sit to eat. And Beckett could see this too.

After a couple of days of this, Beckett started going to the kitchen and then following Joe to the table, and climb the table cloth to grab some food. No asking involved either!

A couple more days went by and Joe went to get some lunch - and he looks over and Beckett is already on the table - on the side where Joe sits, waiting for lunch to come to him.

This story demonstrates to me that Beckett understands cause and effect - he realised that when Joe makes lunch, that he will sit to eat it, so instead of going to the kitchen, Beckett could go to the table and just wait, and lunch will come to him.

Clever little dusty chicken!!!

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Beccy, this is excellant! I have 2 great tricks that Talon does. I have them on video, but having trouble with my camera getting it on my computer, but I'll get it done! GREAT IDEA! This is fun, I can't wait to see all the fun things! :woohoo: :woohoo:

Karma for you for thinking this up! :cheer:

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Klaus is very young to know much (he'll be 6 months on Sept 9) but I think he knows how to apologize. While I don't yell at him, I do use a tone of voice to let him know I'm less than pleased with what he's doing. ("We don't chew Mommy's earrings, we're a good bird.") When this happens, he lowers his head for a neck pet and makes a little "woop-woop" sound. As if to say, "I'm sorry. You still love me, right?" So cute!

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The original video was too large to upload, and in my attempt to make the file smaller, the quality suffered a lot. But here it is, Nikko pulling up a rope and chewing through a dixie cup to get to her almond. She takes her sweet time playing with the cup, so you'll get bored long before she gets to (and accidentally drops) the nut :).


Redone entry (shorter and better quality, but same trick): http://s43.photobucket.com/albums/e373/spookyhurst/Nikko/?action=view&current=Nikko_Nut.flv


Original entry: http://s43.photobucket.com/albums/e373/spookyhurst/Nikko/?action=view¤t=Nikko_Rope.flv<br><br>Post edited by: spookyhurst, at: 2007/09/15 07:12

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Thanks Judy! I'll have to mess around with the video and see if I can make it a little bit clearer. It also seems to be "speeded up" for some reason :blink:.


I have another video I need to upload too. It's of Nikko getting an almond (yes, she loves almonds) out of a "Birdie Ker-Plunk" toy.


Come on people, upload those videos and pictures! You all don't want Nikko to win again do you :P?

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