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Adopting and re-selling birds for profit


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Don't let the title fool you, I am in NO WAY interested in selling my precious Kaleah!


Every other week or so I stop into my little local pet store where I got her. I go in to look at the birds the owner has and give him an update on Kaleah. I wasn't given much back ground info on her, aside from what he told me the day I got her. That she had been in an abusive home and was rescued. I never understood how it was that he came to have her unless he had been the rescuer. I stopped in this morning when I got off work and talked to him for a bit. I finally asked how he ended up with her and he said that he adopted her from a bird sanctuary about an hour away. He told me that the police had actually been the ones to take her out of that previous home and to the sanctuary. He got her not long after that and put her in his store for $100 more than the adoption fee he paid. He couldn't charge too much more as she wasn't as "pretty" because of the missing feathers. He then told me that he found out this bird sanctuary has another Grey up for adoption for $750 that he would like to get just so he has another Grey back in his store. He seems like he's a really nice guy and because I'm in there so much he is starting to talk to me about things that maybe shouldn't be shared with potential customers.


I don't understand how he can do this. Granted, I'm thankful he had Kaleah, because if he hadn't I would be Grey-less right now, but those sanctuaries are set up to find the best homes possible for those birds. They don't intend for them to be adopted and then placed in some pet store where they are forced to deal with strangers day in and day out. I was just a little upset about the whole thing. Just doesn't seem like a great way to go about getting birds into his store.

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Where I live it is common practice for the rescuers to come from the local pet store because who else can handle the untrusting, starving and frightened loose parrots? The animal shelters can catch them but do not have a way to properly care for them. I got my Ekkie from the local pet store, and he hated it there because it was too noisey for him. He plucked and screamed. He is much happier with me and frankly if he had not been there in the local pet store, I would never have found this sweet and needy jewel.

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That sounds as wrong to me as if pet stores went to the SPCA to get cats & dogs to retail. This is a bird sanctuary we're talking about. And these are birds who have already lived through things with the resulting baggage. They need special handling & consideration, not to be sold to the next person who walks through the door with enough money.


I really don't understand this.

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