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Ahhh good thank you. I recall a Disney movie from many many years ago, when the northern wind blows or something. There was such a sad scene in it where a dog died, and it had such an impact on me I still remember it some 30 years later.

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Ah, I loved Paulie - I can't believe I had forgotten it!!


A film I was brought up with about a boy and a bird was a film called Kes (Kestrel). It's a film that was made in my region, but was known throughout the country ~ it's worth a look - but you mightn't understand the geordie dialect (that goes for any people in the UK too)!!!



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Ah, I loved Paulie - I can't believe I had forgotten it!!


A film I was brought up with about a boy and a bird was a film called Kes (Kestrel). It's a film that was made in my region, but was known throughout the country ~ it's worth a look - but you mightn't understand the geordie dialect (that goes for any people in the UK too)!!!




For those who have Netflix, this movie is available on the "view instantly" choices. I just added it to my list.

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