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Baby toys make the best Grey toys


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Never let it be said that Walmart doesn't have excellent toys for our Greys. Not in the pet department, certainly, but in the infant section. I bought Kaleah a little"keyboard" that plays music, lights up, has a cylinder with beads that spins, and a handle with rings. She is in love with it! Didn't take her long to figure out how to make the music play. For $5 it was definitely a great buy and it will stand up to the torture a lot better than most large bird toys do.


Yes, this isn't homemade but worth posting. Cheap toys that are safe and take the beatings our Greys can dish out.

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Corky has a mix of baby toys, bird toys and home made toys. Some times I think I have too many toys in her cage at a time.

She will unhook some of the toys hanging in her cage to keep from bumping hsr head and play with them at the bottom of her cage.

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That's a really good idea. I could see how some of the heavier duty infant toys would work. I'd look the toy over very carefully, probably use a pair of pliers on them first to simulate how they'll react to heavy duty beak. My friend has a 2 year old and some of her toys can stand up to her but I wouldn't give them to my bird. Those Dora explorer toys are a bunch of junk :P They've got small exposed screws that a bird would zero in on and remove eventually.


However, isn't Walmart the one who was caught by a consumer group selling lead contaminated children's toys?


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Thank you for posting this & just now. I give my fids rattles & teethers & such for foot toys. But I never think to look at the bigger toys.


Kura is definitely going thru adolescence. I need to find her things to keep her active & distracted from the hormonal behavior. Maybe something like this will help. :)

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I bought this really cute baby toy for Neo. It has a suction cup base so I can put it on his playtop. It is like a ferris wheel with a different activity at each of four axles. One plays music. So far it has gotten him to practice his flying. He flew from his playtop to the family room to get away from it. Tonight I was playing with it while he was sitting on the chair arm by me. He did beak one piece but then backed off. The good news is that if he doesn't like it I still didn't waste my money. My six month old granddaughter LOVES it!

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Hey! Just a suggestion - if you all could, would you post pics and zero in on the identifying marks like who the toy is by and that sort of thing? That way we can know it is at Wal-Mart (or where ever) and know what it looks like and we can dash over there and buy one, too! Just a suggestion! Many thanks!

Edited by >^..^<
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This isn't a baby toy but it is Neo's latest favorite:




It was sent along with an order I placed for pellets. As is typical, he was afraid of it at first and now loves it! I have already figured out that I had better order some replacements because this one isn't going to last long. (Smart move on the store owners part to get him "hooked" on this toy!)

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Smart move indeed, thats good business to try to get your bird hooked on a new toy, I have a couple of them type toys and Josey doesn't much care for them, oh well what works for one doesn't for another, I liked the previous toy you posted too, maybe I should look for one of them.

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Barbara2, is that a little green alien? If so, my 'Too loves those! He loves any of those little porcupine spiky type toys, actually. Oh, and I discovered they are sold at PARTY CITY for very very inexpensively! I bought 12 in a bag for, I believe, $3-4. Way cheaper than the $2/for ONE of them that the bird store nearby charges.

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