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Feathers ruffled


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Well, Morgan is now 14 months old, and I had to go out of town for the first time since I got him in January. So, I decided to hire a pet sitter, so the kidz, including my 2 dogs and fish, would all benefit. She came twice a day for 45min-1 hour each time to feed, care and play with them.


Last night I got home, after 3 days away, and let Morgan out of his cage. He got up on top of his cage, ruffled his feathers making himself look twice as big as he is (I had never seen THAT before) and GROWLED like I had NEVER heard before! Kinda scared me as this was totally new to me, so I called my brother, Morgan's breeder. He said that Morgan was yelling at me for leaving!!!! His CAG, Luke, used to do that, too!!! :D


Now I see where the saying, "Don't get your feathers ruffled" comes from!!


This little guy never stops amazing or entertaining me!!

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dw310: Did Morgan settle down and act normally after his initial reaction?


I have read that one should not go off and leave a Grey for an extended period of time (I believe it was referring to time periods like a week or more) until after the first year. That's some reaction from Morgan after only a few days. He certainly had not forgotten you in that time, so he must have been mad at you.

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Feel bad for a few minutes and pour on lots of love and beg for forgiveness, Morgan is letting you know he wanted to go to!


Dixie does this to me when we leave her for more than one night - and unfortunately I do have to leave her on occasion (a week of camping with the boy scouts every year, two weeks on the geriatric tour with my parents, a week with my in-laws at Thanksgiving, etc.) - but she always forgives me because I feel so bad for leaving her, and I'm not her favorite person. It will be interesting to see how she reacts to my husband when he gets home this time (he's been gone since July), he's her favorite! I think it's their way of letting you know you forgot to pack something in your suitcase and carry-on luggage! That's what makes Grey's (and other birds) so wonderful, they let you know how they feel, as opposed to the dogs/cats (I have 3 dogs) they just want to love you.

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dw310: Did Morgan settle down and act normally after his initial reaction?



Well, I would describe him as a little more aggressive than usual last night. But he did come sit on my shoulder and give me a kiss. I don't think he's still mad at me. I think I just got a good scolding for my misbehavior. :-)

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Aw bless, Morgan was scolding you for leaving him for a few days, glad to hear he is over it now. The next time you have to leave for a few days or whatever do tell him about your impending trip and that you will return as they do understand some of what we are saying. Some greys do get their feathers ruffled some about our absences and some just take it in stride.

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