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somthing is stuck in chico's crop need advice ASAP


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Guest briansmum

that really is good news. so glad to hear he'll be ok. let us know how th house call goes. like judy says we care about our members here and certainly wouldnt want anything to happen to any of our parrots

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Your vet said he would be ok? I would find a different vet. There are so many things that could of happened.

Your bird could of spit it up and everything is ok. Or he could of spit it up and cut himself on the inside. Or it could of moved on to the tummy and be ok or it could of ripped something on the way. Only way to know for sure is to ex ray.

Its a risk I just would not take. Not tring to be mean just tring to get you to see the bigger picture.

A trip to an avian vet and have it be nothing is 10x cheaper then doing nothing and having your loved pet die.

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Tari, please don't hold anything against greylover, you have to understand that living in the south of spain is like living in north africa. Things are very 3 world here and a trip to Madrid may sound like an easy thing, but it is not that simple. It is about 7 hours away, so the stress for the bird would be enormous with temps over 35C, plus there is no guarantee that they are even open as in August most business are on summer holiday. He is VERY lucky to have a vet that even speaks english! We are all trying to do the best for our animals....

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Glad to hear things currently look to be improving. Please keep a close eye on him and keep us posted. I can appreciate the challenge involved here. My Grandfather lives in Calpe, Alicante. Everyone just needs to do the best they can with the resources available. ;)

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I am sorry I do not wish to offend but to educate and keep something bad from happening.

7 hours away or 70 hours away it would be worth it to make sure my bird is safe in this case. If it were something going on on the outside of the bird and you should see it was ok then ya don't go but on the inside you can't see it and birds are really good about covering up illness and injury.

But in the long run it is your bird and I won't say anything else of visit this thread again to make sure I don't say anything else. lol

I guess I over worry but better to over worry then lose a bird.<br><br>Post edited by: Tari, at: 2007/08/24 20:58

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Guest briansmum

tari does make a good point, for the wellfare of your birds you should stop at nothing to ensure the best possible care, she is just concerned and stressing that fact.


however i do understand that in some places it i difficult to find the neccessary care, but i'm sure greylover is doing the best she can and she has said the vet is making a home visit.

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