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Well, our fall is now here...and leaves are starting to fall.


Jasper has just now noticed this. He stares WIDE EYED out the window and follows the falling leaf all the way down. then looks at me like I'm half nuts! Like it's my fault these leaves are falling to the ground! Then will stand there and look for another one. It's pretty funny to watch, I tried getting a picture, but of course, you open the camera and all they do is look at you...


Does your bird do anything funny when they see leaves? (I'd love to hear what Spock thinks of this!)

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Leaves are falling here too and the colors are not the best this year but haven't noticed whether the birds have noticed the falling leaves yet as the are not right in front of a window but I can imagine they are fascinated by seeing them fall to the ground, maybe you will get lucky and get a pic and share it with us.

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Sully is intrigued by the pretty leaves blowing by. We don't have a tree near our back door that he is by, but he gets a little ruffled when the wind blows the leaves by his window. He runs over to it, and looks sideways peering down onto the porch with his neck stretched as far as possible so he can see! It's pretty funny to watch!


I'm tempted to bring a couple in so he can see them. Any thoughts? Is that safe?

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Judy - yes, I will try to get a picture! It's so cute his, curious face!

Jill - I've got to many trees, i'll give you some! Then Harvey can too!

Jenn - These birds are sooo hilarious to watch. I'd love to see a video or something of that!


I have also thought of bringing in tree leaves...but I also don't know if it's safe?

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