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Now that I’m home, bathed, settled and fed

All nicely tucked in my warm new bed

I’d like to open my baggage lest I forget

There is so much to carry - So much to regret



Hmm . . . Yes there it is, right on top

Let’s unpack Loneliness, Heartache, and Loss

And there by my leash hides Fear and Shame

As I look at these things I tried so hard to leave



I still have to unpack my baggage called Pain



I loved them, the others, the ones who left me

But I wasn’t good enough - for they didn’t want me

Will you add to my baggage?

Will you help me unpack?



Or will you just look at my things

And take me right back?



Do you have the time to help me unpack?

To put away my baggage, to never repack?

I pray that you do - I’m so tired you see

But I do come with baggage -



Will YOU still want ME?



Baggage by Evelyn Colbath

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Ahhhh yes, I so remember this sad but lovely verse. It is what made me bring my Sully home and vow that he would never go back to that pet store. It also made me abstract a promise from my daughter that she would find someone else to take my ekkie if I should go Home.

Edited by luvparrots
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I had not seen it so it was beneficial. Since I also deal with foster children, it made me think of the throw away children as well. That's one reason it's really, REALLY tough for me when I see families that have to rehome their birds. It's very hard for all these sensitive souls.

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Not to belabor it but I guess I am. A foster child who was molested by her birth father expressed some of her pain on facebook tonight. It made me think about our feathered foster children who also express their pain but don't have all the avenues that humans do. God bless these poor feathered babies and god bless those who take them in and love them. Love, love, love. That's all they need. (Fire and brimstone on that father that molested this beautiful girl. Sorry. I had to vent a bit myself.)

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Vent all you want to. My sister considered her oldest son a "throw away". He's with his dad and is well taken care of but has severe issues with women. Rightfully so.


As for our feathered children, my Grey is a rescue. She had been beaten for not talking. After being taken from that "home" she sat for a month in a pet store before she came home with me. I've had her for a month now and she is the most amazing creature I've ever been blessed with caring for. After only a few days of being here and giving her love and proper care she bonded with me. In fact I just put her to bed after a nearly 30 minute head/neck scratch, during which she began to fall asleep. It astounds me to see the trust she has in me already.

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Vent all you want to. My sister considered her oldest son a "throw away". He's with his dad and is well taken care of but has severe issues with women. Rightfully so.


As for our feathered children, my Grey is a rescue. She had been beaten for not talking. After being taken from that "home" she sat for a month in a pet store before she came home with me. I've had her for a month now and she is the most amazing creature I've ever been blessed with caring for. After only a few days of being here and giving her love and proper care she bonded with me. In fact I just put her to bed after a nearly 30 minute head/neck scratch, during which she began to fall asleep. It astounds me to see the trust she has in me already.


I introduced the foster child we're working with to my grey. She was too high energy for him and it wasn't a match but we'll keep at it....at my pace. I'm sensitive to the needs of human and bird and won't risk harm to either.

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