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My daughter returned home for a while. She is working and going to school full time. She also started an exercise routine that includes training to run a 5K at Thanksgiving. After a dog in the neighborhood bit her in the back of the leg, her dad started running with her. Last night at ten, she had already put in fourteen hour day including work, class and more than three hours of commute time. For the first time since she started her routine, she asked me to give her regrets to Dad, but she was going to bed early. When he came out in running gear... to run in the rain, I told him and he quipped with a grin, "are you going to take her place?" My reply was "I am only going to run if someone is shooting at me, and even then I would have to think about it." He was still laughing when he got home.

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There is always room in our day for laughter. Now, the spandex and lycra... not so much, although Halloween is just around the corner, I might get my husband and outfit then post his picture on The People Of WalMart... hahahahahahaa. I should tell you about the time when we were first married, got him sweet talked into trying on my red Dr. Denton footed sleeper pajamas with the drop seat. Then, I snatched a camera from the nightstand and flashed, the camera was out of film, but he didn't know that. He ripped the feet right out of my jammies snatching them off so fast. That was before digital cameras and Photoshop. My latest wicked delight was to take the photo they gave us from his colonoscopy, put his head in the scanned picture and told him he had something to worry about, the doctor found something interesting he thought might need extracted. He wouldn't have married me if he hadn't had a sense of humor.

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