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our grey didnt eat fruits and veggi ... pls help us....


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problem is that our grey name Laddu , he is 6 month old he eats only 4 things grapes ,pomgranate,chickpeas,corns.(juicy and soft things but not mashed)

we gave him some baby food (but he rejected)... broccoli , carrot ,pears,apple banana, green pea, water melon ,sweet melon,orange,cabbage and many other veggi and fruites . but he all time rejects all things. i gave him pellets too with his sunflowers seeds. but he eat only sunflower not pellet. i gave him sproute and sweet patato also but same thing.... how do i make his interst in other things????


i m very tensed about him what should i give him....? please help us


can any one tell which pellet would be best for him and attach a pic of pellet????

and what kind of sproute i should give him ????



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If you put sunflower seeds with anything except maybe peanuts, they'll eat the sunflowers.


You're just going to have to keep experimenting. You might try some of the birdie bread recipes. Offer things in different sized pieces, sometimes it makes a difference, stems & rinds, cooked & raw, with a little grape or pomegranate juice poured over them. Just barely wipe some peanut butter on different things. You might also try skewering pieces & hanging them instead of putting them in his food dish.


Speaking of dishes, have you tried making a bird safe supper for Laddu to eat with you? Many fids like to eat with their parronts. Sometimes they'll try things off a plate or spoon that they won't look at twice in the cage.


Unfortunately, there's no magic solution for picky eaters. You just need to keep trying until they come around.

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Birdhouse is right. My birds become very, very interested in anything they see me eating.


If they see you eat some of the food (or pretend to), they will be more inclined to try it. If you have other birds, they will often learn to eat new foods by observing the others eating it. If you do not have other birds, you're it! You're the flock, and they learn what is good to eat by observing the flock.

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Great suggestions by all. :)


One thing I noticed over time and offering all types of veggies and fruits, is they may prefer them cooked rather than raw and vice-versa some days. They especially seem to by more apt to try them initially if they are still warm. They eat according to what hits there taste buds that day. One day they may eat corn, the next broccoli and some a little of both, then one day not touch either and only eat for example sweet potatoes. I always offer a bowl of cut up veggies of many types such as broccoli, corn, sweet potatoes, beans, etc. and they eat what they wish that day.


So just keep offer a various mix of veggies and fruits and eventually you will see what he prefers. :)

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Chop things up small, chop things up chunky, mix a few together. Offer them on kebab skewers, offer them cooked and raw - owning a grey is like a science experiment. Also - what he decides to like today, he won't like tomorrow - but offer it again next week, or even next month! They are soooooo choosy!


You're not alone - they all would prefer the hamburger and fries (seed and more seed) than they would the boxed salad - bit like kids really! It's really frustrating - but keep it up, try him with some cooked salad beans (you can buy the mixes of the dried beans in bags - cook them and mix them in with his veg). Also, add all different flavours - cinammon, chill flakes, dried ginger etc - it tempted Harvey - he used to be the same! Good luck!

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hi all

thanx for the such a good advices ... yesterday i read about jyade posts and i followed his recipe which he give his parrot ..... but same thing he didn't look at that side.

i tried to feed him by spoon but he didn't like it.. .

anyway i m trying to give him some more varity.. hope he like ????


once again thanx for ur advice and opinions...... i will write rest latter if any improvment be seen....




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he eat orange slice with me ... i give him a slice and i also eat infront of him (making noise its so yummi) then he eat also (did lots of mess but i m happy :)

but i m also sad about he didnt eat any solid food. what should i do :( ?

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... i m also sad about he didnt eat any solid food. what should i do :( ?


No, No, No! Don't be sad. This is a break through. You've found out that he likes to eat with you & he ate something new. All Good!


They're just so stubborn sometimes & I know it's frustrating. Keep trying different foods made different ways. Once he starts to eat a few different things, he'll get a taste for more.

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Hi, Maggie here, Jayd's under the weather, he asked me to post: Stop feeding fruit, except 1 small piece a day, put 2 tsp sunflower seeds in a bowl in his cage a day in the afternoon, [same time each day]. Cook up some black-eyed peas, chickpeas, and brown rice and sugar snap peas,,,,,, put in a bowl and leave in cage for 2-3 hours, do this 2-3 times a day....Leave a seed bowl and a pellet bowl 24/7, try a colored fruit pellet. [Zupreem].. From Jayd, Thanks You, Maggie

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Also try warming the fruits and veggies. I found cosmo doesnt like cold things. I just rinse the food with warm tap water and it makes all the difference. I do this instead of the microwave as it can leave hotspots inside things that may cause burns.

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