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Looking for Opinions on Shipping via Airlines...


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As stated before I don't have a grey yet but I am a parrot owner. I'm currently in a very long research phase of bringing a Grey into my flock. I'm still considering a rehome or rescue but I'm not sure that will work out since TAGs become available less frequently and a certain member of my flock has some high standards when it comes to a 2nd hand bird (even though it would be my bird:confused:).


I've looked at some of the postings on BirdBreeder.com and the websites of breeders. So far the NYC / tri-state area breeders don't really blow me away or meet my parameters on paper. I have however found people in other parts of the country who match my philosophy pretty spot-on. I was hoping, a few experienced bird owners could give their opinions of going with a distant breeder who ships. In that case I would fly out and visit the breeder once. Some of the breeders are in areas that I have friends or family so the trip would be justified on multiple levels. I realize however some people will visit a clutch multiple times before bringing a fid home. This may help with bonding, and a number of other things. I'm also willing to do a day or weekend road-trip but that brings up new logistics. As I've said, I'm willing to go the distance to find the right grey considering it will most likely be my first and last grey if it lives to it's life expectancy. All opinions welcome. Thanks. :)

Edited by FirstPenguin
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I found a breeder in my state but it was four hours away. I never met my bird before he came home and he was shipped. I met him for the first time when my husband brought him home from the airport. Neo arrived fine and in good spirits. Within the hour he was climbing around his new cage and eating. We have had him home 4 weeks now and he is wonderful!

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I live in Massachusetts, and I bought my baby sight-unseen from a breeder in Florida. I had seen pictures and heard updates on her. She was shipped in Dec. by Delta. I picked her up at the airport and brought her to her forever home with us. She did just fine. No problems, just my nervousness and worry that I was going to get to the airport and no bird, or something worse. I had her checked out by a vet 2-3 weeks later after she was settled in just to make sure all was well. All was well, except that she tested positive for e-coli...:( but we treated that and she is a sweet wonderful bird. That was 5 years ago!

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I am in Indiana and purchased Spencer from an amazing breeder in Georgia (also found on BirdBreeders.com). Met Spencer for the first time in Indy airport cargo. He was fine. :) I personally think its much more important to go with a reputable, well rated breeder than to go with someone closeby just for the sake of being close.

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I am in Indiana and purchased Spencer from an amazing breeder in Georgia (also found on BirdBreeders.com). Met Spencer for the first time in Indy airport cargo. He was fine. :) I personally think its much more important to go with a reputable, well rated breeder than to go with someone closeby just for the sake of being close.


Thanks for all the responses. As stated several times before in other posts we really want a grey who's never been clipped. We already have the Evil Knievel equivalent of a senegal. She can fly down a narrow hallway, turn around in mid air in the same space and land where you didn't think possible. This logic may be way off, but we don't want a new grey to be more nervous due to height insecurities since our ace pilot is buzzing around overhead and he or she is grounded. On top of that we have many other "newer age" ideas about raising and caring for parrots. From how long they're in the nest box, to how they're socialized, the list goes on.


Vampire, love spencers blog. Our Sennie Evie friended Spencer on facebook.

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