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Lorikeet scared me


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It was all unusually quiet in my house this afternoon, so I looked over at my 2 lorikeets to see what they were doing. One was grooming, the other just looked....well...wrong. He was sitting on his perch, bent almost double, with his little beakie resting on the perch, eyes closed, so I go rushing over in a near panic. I notice he is perched up on one leg, and he opens his little eyes, looks at me all sleepy, yawns, does a big stretch and lets out a happy chirp. Turned out he was just sleeping in a very strange position, and was using his beak to steady himself on the perch. I've also seen him asleep flat on his belly, head stretched out, inside his snuggle hut, and have read stories of lorikeets sleeping on the bottom of the cage on their back, legs stiff in the air. Little blighter.

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i would have freaked out too!


When we had our lorikeet, he would lay on his back and play. He would lay on his back in the crook of my arm and just lay there. They do some of the weirdest things! Although, I would keep an eye on his other behavior...pooing and eating to just make sure everything is ok :)

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Ah, bless him - he was just having a snooze! My cockatiel used to sleep nearly hanging upside down - he was so tipped forward on his perch I often thought he would fall forward - but not once in 17 years did he! I love seeing sleepy birdies - they are sooo cute! Funnily enough - I have never, once seen Harvey asleep!


Glad things were fine - scary moment over x

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