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Dayo and the Crane from Hell


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I was sitting at my PC working this morning around 7:30 and all of a sudden all hell broke out in Dayo's cage behind me. He was flapping all over his cage (No damage to him thank god) and finally came to rest grasping the front cage door peering out the patio sliding glass doors extremely focused and fearful of something out there.


So I turn around and look out. About a 100 yards from our house, was a huge crane with an air conditioner suspended in the air over a house they were evidently replacing one on. I calmed him and told him what it was and that it was "Ok" then went ahead an pulled the vertical blinds across so he would no longer see what he perceived as one god awful threat.


I have never seen him react as violently with such determine to get the hell out of dodge as this. i know he can see out there all day long everyday when in and outside the house. It just seems so disturbing to me that ONE NEW THING that does not belong in the skyline a 100 yards away would cause such strong fear inducing emotions.


Anyone else ever seen such a freak-out from a distant object like this? It is hurting my brain...... Even when a Harley pulls up with thunderous straight pipes, he doesn't act like that. He Just pulls in close and snuggles against me, but does not freak out. When the friend gets off the bike and comes in all is fine.

Edited by danmcq
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It seems something about the sight of that crane triggered a primal terror response. Maybe the sight was more than just "new." Maybe it matched some pre-programmed threat pattern, like "snake" or "hawk." ?????


Sure glad Dayo was not hurt in the panic.

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Poor Dayo, he must have been scared crapless by that crane but it really doesn't surprise me that something like that would, I know my sun conure is always on the lookout for predators when she is out of the cage in the big room for we have a lot of windows on one side and from time to time she will take off like a bullet because she saw something. Good thing you were home to calm him down and let him know he was safe and ok.

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It just struck me as so out of character for him. It also makes me wonder if we had not been home, how much damage he may have done to himself and we would never have known why. You just read so many times of a bird going crazy in their cage and damaging many flights.


I guess I now need to make it a practice to pull the verticals when we leave so there is no chance of something startling him out of the ordinary when we are gone. I had never previously considered this happening from an object so far away. We have all types of birds fly over while Dayo is outside, including various species of large hawks and he never reacts like that. If anything he goes to the bottom of his cages and watches until they are gone.

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Dan, when I saw the subject line and started reading, I was thinking of the crane or heron that was attracted to your Koi pond. Although Dayo being scared is nothing to laugh about, I did have a little chuckle at my misunderstanding. You are such a good daddy to be able to put yourself in his talons and think of what it was that was threatening him and find a way to reassure him and make sure he is not bullied by that crane out there.

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There are a couple of windows near Moussa's cage, and it does sound like closing the blinds when there's no one home would be a good idea.


Speaking of which, my conures just went into alarm mode this morning when I let them out of their cage. A little investigation revealed that it was probably due to the plastic jack-o-lantern hanging on the front porch. :)

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I was thinking about the bird too - because I remember ages ago the story about the heron and your pond too! Poor little Dayo - you're right though, it's lucky you were home. We don't know what does go on when we aren't home though - it's quite worrying. Glad all is well with little Dayo though xx

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LOL Jill and Dee - Yes that heron standing around 4 feet tall outside my patio door with one of the Koi at his feet was quite a shocker. Who would ever supposed one flying over would spot one in the pond at the bottom of the waterfall in a back yard? I was taking to a person down at a local hardware store regarding that and he said it happens all the time and many people mus literally place chicken wire or other netting over there ponds or all the Koi will be eaten because those intelligent buggers know where they got their last easy lunch at. :P


Heck even one of my Dobermans was standing behind looking like "I'll let you handle this one Pops". :P

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I'm glad you where there when it happened! Poor dayo!


Now, I did have a chuckle when you said your dobi was standing behind you...reminds me of my rottweiler and his fear of stuffed animals! At least your dobi was behind you for a living thing!

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Poor, poor Dayo. I've had the same thing happen with my 'tiels before. They just freaked out for no apparent reason.


As for your dog with the heron, can't say I blame him any. Those are big birds! My bulldog's afraid of plastic bags...no matter the size. We've had some serious wind here in Wisconsin the past two days and a black garbage bag blew down my street and got stuck on the neighbors fence. My dog stood at the window for ten minutes shaking with her hair on end staring at that stupid bag. Silly dog...

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