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Does anyone play


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Im 43 and play. lol I know of people in their 50's that play. As a matter of fact not many kids play cause is not really a kid game.

I have three lvl 70 toons a hunter, a druid and a mage. I play on the Medivh server and Im in a guild with a bunch of my friends that I played EQ with.

You can play for 10 days free here https://www.worldofwarcraft.com/index.xml

Its a Role-playing game only not a lot of role-playing going on on my server but there are some role-playing servers have not played on them.

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I first started playing EQ when I was working full time as a dog groomer. A co worker interduced me to the game. I liked it but didn't play except on my days off.

But then my sister started playing too. She and I had a very strained relationship but the game brought us very close and we still are even though I don't play EQ that much.

I am so glad we had that time even if it was in a game. lol

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  • 5 months later...

I play WOW. I play on Darkspear and Garona. Most of the time though you can find me on my lvl 70 Horde hunter. I love PVP. Is your server PvP or PvE. I was just asking the other night if anyone on here played. Then I found this. I haven't played long. Only for about 5 months, and only when not at school or work. I have a 56 fire mage on Garona.<br><br>Post edited by: kllorio, at: 2008/01/25 00:33

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