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Issac Spinning - Video


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That was absolutely fabulous Stephen and Issac does get a thrill out of spinning partly because he has a cheerleader egging him on so he is going to please daddy, what a crazy bird Issac is, can you tell how happy he is, thanks for sharing that with us, it was wonderful.

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Isaac is so beautiful and graceful even in his exuberance. Thank you so much for catching this on video for us. Thank you Isaac for accomodating so quickly when we asked for more. Stephen, your laughter and obvious love for Isaac is the most joyful music to my soul.

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That was hysterical! I truly did LOL!


I have boings and other hanging toys around the house, and Moussa does love to play on them, but I have not seen any performances that spectacular.


I think that is one of the advantages of a flighted bird: that they can have the confidence and agility to safely play that way. Isaac is a beautiful fellow and full of life. This was a joy to watch.

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This has inspired me to put up some similar setups for my guy to play, amazing, thanks! :D


Just don't hang those boings too low! I have one hanging from Harvey's java tree and he regularly gets to the bottom, bounces up and down and then bangs his head of the bottom of the tray - it explains why he's so stupid I suppose!!!


On a separate note - I've thought abut this again - do parrots get dizzy??!!

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Just don't hang those boings too low! I have one hanging from Harvey's java tree and he regularly gets to the bottom, bounces up and down and then bangs his head of the bottom of the tray - it explains why he's so stupid I suppose!!!


On a separate note - I've thought abut this again - do parrots get dizzy??!!


I think I heard someone say that they don't have the same liquid in their ears like people do so that they don't get dizzy. Something like that.


Thanks all for watching my little acrobat. He just started doing it again while I am typing. He is getting better at this. LOL. Cracking me up again. Seems he likes to do this when I sit at the computer.

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I've wondered about the dizzy thing, too.


I've noticed that my conures, when they make a boing spin around, or when I spin around with one of them on my arm, will hold their gaze on one point, then quickly move to another point, and so on. When they're spinning, this looks like a jerky movement of the head. This is the same technique that is taught to people to help them avoid getting dizzy or motion sick. I've also seen on-board video of raptors flying and diving, and it looks like they do the same jerky movement with their head. I've wondered if it's an instinctive thing with the birds to help them keep from getting dizzy or disoriented when they're flying.

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I discoverd his desire to flip himself around quite by accident. Before...it was a little piece of rope with a piece of wood on it that he enjoyed spinning around on. He quickly chewed it away and it actually snapped during one of his acrobatic shows. It must have scared the poop out of him as he flew to my leg with his head way up high looking like he was thinking, "What the heck just happened?" Apparantly, he is one to get back on the bike when he falls. I created a new one that would be harder to chew through out of cotton type rope with a little bell toy at the bottom. Ohh man...he is happier than ever with that one. I love watching him go.

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Isaac is so beautiful and graceful even in his exuberance. Thank you so much for catching this on video for us. Thank you Isaac for accomodating so quickly when we asked for more. Stephen, your laughter and obvious love for Isaac is the most joyful music to my soul.


What an incredibly nice thing to say...thank you. :)

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