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Custody Battle Over Coco The Grey.

Cheshire Cat

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I actually read this article yesterday in the newspaper and I feel for this man. Due to being Italian and going back to Italy, he left his bird in the UK because of strict quarantine. Now that he's back, he's found his bird in a park and is going through custody proceedings to get him back.


http://www.dailyexpress.co.uk/posts/view/207071/Custody-fight-over-Coco-the-parrot -- Direct article.


A PARROT which speaks Italian and can whistle O Sole Mio is at the centre of a bitter custody row.


The African Grey, called Coco, is a children’s favourite at a park in Harlow, Essex. But Angelo Ferlazzo, 50, claims the bird belongs to him.


He says he bought Coco from a local pet shop in 1984, and spent months training him. He even taught the parrot to chatter in Italian and whistle the classic song.


But when his marriage broke down a few years later, he moved back to his native Italy, leaving Coco with his ex-wife. Four years ago, back in Britain, he visited Pets’ Corner in Harlow Town Park and found Coco was the main attraction.


Mr Ferlazzo said the parrot’s rendition of O Sole Mio shed any doubts and brought tears to his eyes. “We want to be reunited – that bird should be with a family,” he added.


But his pleas to Harlow Council to hand over the bird, even offering to replace him with another African Grey, have failed.


The RSPCA has told council officials that after nine years at Pets’ Corner, any move would distress the parrot.


Mr Ferlazzo’s new partner, Karen Wright, said: “We don’t understand how Coco would be better off in a cage at Pets’ Corner. He’s got to be better off in a warm, loving family home.”


Harlow councillor Joel Charles said: “Coco was donated in good faith to Pets’ Corner about nine years ago. He is much-loved, and imitates both staff and animals. The council has seen no facts to question its rightful ownership of the parrot. We sympathise with Mr Ferlazzo but have to put the animal’s welfare first.”

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Boy this is a tought one. IMO I would have tried every thing I could think of to keep my bird but I do not know their laws.

In the 9 years did he keep track of of the birds location. It sounds like the grey is happy and loved.

At this point I don`t know what would be best for the bird not knowing all the facts.

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Four years ago, back in Britain, he visited Pets’ Corner in Harlow Town Park and found Coco was the main attraction. [/b]


Sounds like he's been at this for a while & he may have been searching which is why he went to the Pets' Corner to begin with.


I know it's hard for greys to get moved around. But I didn't think they were well suited to being on display like this, either...?

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No one said how the grey is doing in his new forever home. I have a feeling he is quite happy in his role as mascot/friend to so many children. Speaking of children, when a parent makes a conscience and free releasing of parental rights in the future that parent can only hope the child, all grown up will let the birth parent into his/her life on his/her own terms. What happens if this guy wants to go back to Italy again?????

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I have read the story over 5 or 6 times. He bought Coco in 1984 and a few years later he and his wife broke up. A few years I take as less than 5 years but it did not say. So giving 6 years that would take it to 1990 and the park said they had Coco for 9 years. so the park got Coco in or around 2000 or 2001'

The paper left out a lot of info. I see eleven years to question here if I read it right. Coco is 26 years old and has had a stedy home for the last 9 years.

Did the exwife give him to the park or did she rehome him to some one and they gave him to the park

There is a lot of the story left out.

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I do agree with you, Ray. The version I read in the newspaper was a lot more in depth and said that Coco was donated to the park. The Internet versions of this story don't go into as much depth. I'll have a look around and see if I can find any more information. A lot of the timeframes seem to be skimmed over.


This article is from the actual paper I read and does inform the reader a little more. http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1322851/Parrot-thinks-hes-Pavarotti-Tug-love-African-Grey-sing-Italian.html

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I've read this before and always thought it was a load of old tosh! Harvey whistles "half a pound of tuppeny rice" and the "Laurel and Hardy" theme tune - that's obviously something I've taught him - but it doesn't mean it's unique just to Harvey - just as some daft Italian teaching a bird one of his local songs isn't proof that his parrot is unique either! Last time I looked the UK was drenched in Italian restaurants, some of which actally are owned by Italians!


I don't think the fact that it sings that song is definitive ownership at all! Anyway - he couldn't have given two hoots when he buggered back off to Italy - so why should he reclaim the bird now!


Right, I'll climb back down off my soap box!

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JillyBeanz, I actually thought that. While at first I felt bad for him, I then thought, "Why would he go back to Italy without his bird?" Okay, quarantine laws are tight, but I'd do everything in my power to make sure Tui went with me if I upped and left to another country. I wouldn't leave her behind and especially with an ex partner! You don't know what they'd do out of malice. If I HAD to leave Tui anywhere, it'd be with my parents. I feel for him but at the same time I don't. If he loved Coco so much, he'd have taken him with him.

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Exactly! This little grey is obviously well looked after and although not perfect being in pet's corner, if the RSPCA have been involved the bird is obviously in good condition and not suffering either. I'm sure he's got a lovely aviary and is the centre of attention. I know it's sad to see any animal in captivity - but we are all guilty of it! So, good on the RSPCA and the council (for once) - tell him to get on his bike!!!

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I would have to agree that my sympathies lie with the parrot, not the man. Can you imagine taking on a parrot and making a transition that a rehome takes and then years later after patience and bonding, another interested person steps into the picture and says, he's mine, I want him back? If this particular parrot had adjustment difficulties, I don't think we would be reading about how many people return over and over again to see him. It would seem he is well adjusted to his habitat and is happily entertaining many. I am going to venture a little bit to guess he also probably has at least one caregiver there who is invested in his well being. If this is a public place, what would stop the man from coming often and enjoying a relationship... if the parrot could forgive him for giving up and walking away in the first place.

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. Why would you leave a member of your family behind in another country?


Oh I don't know - I have a husband who I probably wouldn't miss.........!!


The point we are missing here is - THERE'S NO QUARANTINE LAWS FROM THE UK INTO ITALY!!!! The bird would have just needed a quick health check!! The stupid bloke just LEFT his parrot - he didn't want it!!!


Ge me a seat on that council...........!

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I believe after you let a parrot go, you cannot just expect to try and track them down almost a decade later and try to get authorities involved in retrieving a bird you gave up so long ago.


Most rescues have very clear contractual paperwork you must sign away your rights to that critter and thus the organization is fully responsible money and time wise from then on until re-homed. I do not feel one bit for this guy. Coco needs to stay where he resides in happiness and obviously well taken care of.

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What happens if this guy wants to go back to Italy again?????

That was my first thought Janet - he left the bird once, he could do it again. I saw this in the paper (I don't get a paper but my Mum cut it out for me - aahh!) and thought how sad, but the bird is probably well cared for with, as Dee says, more than one caregiver who is emotionally invested in his wellbeing. Without any more info to go on, I say leave him where he is!

P.s. NO WAY I would emigrate if I couldn't take all my animals with me!!

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