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Yes, there's no picture - I can't work out the technical jargon ~ I will though!


My name is Jill, I have a CAG called Harvey whom I hope will keep you amused with his antics (believe you me, there are plenty to reel off). He's 22 months old and will be lucky to live to his 2nd birthday if he doesn't quit chewing the top of my door frames (a favourite past time).


I hope to make some new friends (and perhaps some old ones) and I'm looking forward to getting stuck in and sharing my expertise (ha ha - not!!!!)!


Laters xx

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Hi Jill, Rikki's favorite pastime is chewing all my door frames as well. I'm not sure if you remember, but I had to tape fake birds I bought from the craft store over each door in my house. It really adds to the decor!! You should try it!! :)

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Hi, Jillybeanz,


So glad to have you back! I enjoyed your posts of the past and am very glad to see you back! I joined not long ago and have a CAG and a bare-eyed 'Too, both rescued, and I have a couple of dogs I got off the mean streets of Los Angeles, and I have a cat who is old now who I've had since she was a kitten and fit in the palm of my hand, much too young to be away from Mama but that is how she was brought to me one stormy night.


Glad to have you back! Happy reading!

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Hi Jilly!! So glad to see you back!! I'm a little late getting caught up on posts, thanks to my computer. #@%@&%# Can't wait to read your posts & hear about Harvey, you always make me smile! Biscotti is almost 17 mo. now, and I think he is having his "terrible two's" already, precocious little bugger!! Got a love 'em!! :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Jilly, Jilly, Jilly... Our poor friends (new and old) on here, your back from vacation and I'm slowly starting to return to the land of the living after a few peeks here and there due to an unbelievable schedule. Now I just need to find some time between running around the house trying to catch Paco as he flies from trouble spot to trouble spot, or running, ducking and hiding to avoid him as he flies toward me screaming like a pterydactyl going to fast for his own good. Thank God he hasn't discovered door jams yet, instead just the decorative buttons on my new sofa, which he likes to pull out and through on the floor for my bare feet to find.

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Hello JillyBeanz,


I'm new to this forum as well as hope to be new to being a Grey owner next week. (I posted http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?191557-My-first-Grey-and-he-s-2yrs-old.) This will be my first Grey but I grow up with a Amazon Parrot - (my mom still has him - named Preacher).


Anyway, Welcome back JillyBeanz and I hope to get to know you as well as members.

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