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Update on Dorian Grey the former plucker


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I haven't posted in quite a while and want to update all you caring and helpful people here. Dorian was plucking his chest and back all summer and the vet had advised medicine to help him. I had very mixed feelings about this and went so far as to purchase the medicine...amitriptilene. But, I had one more thing to try before I was going to do it... That being, moving his cage back to the basement where he had been during the past winter while I was at work. I had brought it up for the summer months because the house was warm during the day and I was home, as I am a teacher. In the winter I turn the heat down in the house when I go to work...to 60. My basement is heated and is at 70 all the time. So, that is where he was and was use to being. I thought I was doing the right thing by giving him a window view and more things to see. However, I was wrong. The change in his cage placement is what stressed him out. Now that he is back in the basement during the day while I'm at work his feathers have come in and he is no longer plucking. He is quite happy and well adjusted again. Dorian spends time out of his cage for an hour in the morning before I go to work and eats his warm breakfast off a spoon and then he is out from the time I get home till around 8:00p.m. I will never move his cage again and I have learned just how sensitive and emotionally stressed greys can get from things that we humans don't feel is a big deal. He has full spectrum lighting over him during the time he is in the basement and has a separte sleeping cage that is also beside his large cage.


I just wanted to update everyone, as I appreciated all the excellent advice and concern you showed to me. With the start of a new school year and working on different committees, I have been busy, but really wanted to update you on this news.


His favorite thing to do is to knock off all his toys on the kitchen counter that I put there and then says...."Uh OH"! "Pick UP...Pick UP.... " He is too much!!!



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Thanks for the great update Kevin!


It is wonderful to hear you found the root of the problem, namely cage placement. So many things hat seem like a "Good Idea" to us, such as a cage placed to enjoy a wonderful view outside and be in the main activity area of the home is sometimes stressful to the bird. Who would have guessed but you. It is so critical for owners to go back through their mental list of cause and effect when something like plucking suddenly starts. As you noted, we try to help with all the list of htings to try that have proven to be helpful in many cases, but not all. I woul dhave never thought to ask you to rerun his cage to the basement. Great job!!!


Dorian sounds like a real character and I hope you can find the time to pop in more often and share some of his antics such as the fun game of throwing things off the counter top. :)

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Yes as strange as it sounds it worked for you and Dorian, who knew he liked it better in the basement better than upstairs in the house but it seems it was the difference that made him pluck his feathers out. He has all the necessities he needs with proper lighting and if that makes him happy then I agree. I am glad you followed your own instinct to move him back to the basement for that seems to be where he feels most comfortable when you are gone.

I know life is busy but it would be so nice if you could stop in now and then to update us on Dorian and maybe share a couple of pics of him especially now that he is starting to become fully feathered, you know how we love pictures here, thanks Kevin.

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Happy that you and Dorian have worked out the solution of his plucking. I also have a plucker, an ekkie, who is only happy in a smaller cage. I got him a larger cage when I brought him him from the pet shop and every change he got he would quickly walk to his travel cage and climb in. When I got my Zon I give the Zon my ekkie's larger cage and bought Sully a smaller cage and Sully is happy as a clam in his more compact cage, go figure. You are a great parront Kevin to understand Dorian so well and to make things right in his world. Congratulations on your foresight!!!!!

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Wow, I am glad you were able to figure the problem out with out having to use meds. I love to learn about everything from this forum in case we (knock on wood) come up with any similar problems, and I can always pass on the advice I have learned to others if they have a similar problem, as a possible solution. Thanks for telling us.

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Thank you all for your concern and kind thoughts. And yes, I will make a conscience effort to visit more often. I really enjoy this forum and all the wonderful people who frequent and run it. I have learned so many things here and find it a valuable resource when it comes to our Greys and other related concerns. Thanks to you all! Kevin

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My Dorian says "Hi" back. Just saw the remake of Dorian Gray this eve. Same premis as the original but many different twists. If you haven't seen it, get it. I thought it was well done. Some of the scenes are a bit raunchy... but most all movies have that today. Kevin

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