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Is Murphy finaly enjoying a shower?


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Well we all know that most African greys don't like a shower, I found this out when I first got Murphy much to my surprise.


The first time I took him in the shower he flew off from my hand & could tell he didn't like it. I was then told that I should be using a spray bottle & not a shower for a baby Grey so I tried that next. Well that was even worse, he hated it with a vengeance, growling & squawking followed by a swift take off as far away from it as possible.


I knew that greys needed a shower at least once a week & I wanted to give him at least two a week so I thought I'd give the shower another go as what other option did I have?

So the next week came & I took Murphy back in with me & this time he just sat on my hand looking rather put out as the water came down........but he didn't fly off or make any attempt to get away, just sat there tolerating it, silently.


Well that was 7 months ago & Murphy is now 10 months old, after having a shower twice a week for 7 months I'm beginning to see what might be signs he is actually enjoying it a little. Now when asking him to step up from the top of the shower screen I get a few little whistles & clicking noises. As soon as the water hits him, that is followed by a tail wag & some kisses & some other cute little baby noises. :D


I always tell him that we are going for a shower & also when I'm going for one on my own I tell him so he must know by now what I mean when saying "do you want to go for a shower?" Be good the day he asks me!


I suppose the moral of the story is persistence pays off in the end, so if any of you are having troubles with showering just keep it up. I have always made it a nice experience for him with me doing lots of chatting & silly noises while taking a shower to show him that it is an enjoyable process.


What have other grey owners experienced with their grey, be good to hear your stories?

Edited by reggieroo
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I'm not really sure what Spencer is thinking when he showers with me... I've had him for about a month now, the first week I tried the spray bottle while he was caged and he didn't seem to mind, did a lot of flapping but didn't run away or make any disgruntled noises. I've since taken him in the shower 4 times or so and he's never screamed or growled... when on his shower perch he tries to fly on my head, when he's on my arm and i hold him under the spray, he will sit there briefly then try to fly on my head LOL otherwise he will walk up my arm away from the water. He will squawk a bit but nothing that sounds angry. It's basically just a struggle to keep him from flying on me even though I'm literally only standing a foot away from him! So i have to constantly distract him.


I guess I lucked out and found a grey that doesn't mind water :) Can't say he's a big fan of it, but he tolerates it with a bewildered look! I'm hoping one day he will walk towards it or lift up a wing!

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It's great to hear Murphy seems to be starting to enjoy his showers. :)


Unfortunately, Dayo still hates water no matter if it is in the shower (He just sits in the door and shutters if one drop hits him), if I mist him during the winter months he bites the bottle viciously while I get the job done and outside when warm I spray him and the cage down which he hates as well but sits there until I'm done with a look of "Lets just get this over with ok?". He will give himself a very short bath when we put a pan of water out for him. But, it is only his belly he seems to like to get wet.


As you said, patience is the key and trying various methods to see if you can find perhaps one they may get used to. :)

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