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Nilah, Rikki & Talon's Check-up!


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:cool: Hi everyone. I took my 3 birds in for JUST a nail-clipping this week. :confused:

(I lost my job a month ago, so no money for check-ups.) But while I was there, I thought.....hmmm. they haven't been in for a year, so I minds well just do it!!


They were all very good! The vet said they were all very "robust" birds!! :rolleyes:

He did his usual "Gram Stain test with each of them. Talon has always had bacteria and yeast problems. Her tests are always positive for bacteria.


I put all my animals, birds, horses, cat, dog, and family members on high alkaline water 4 months ago. Wel,l as I suspected, due to the water ....all 3 tests were negative!!

I am very happy, I hate the course of treatment that they have to go thru for the positive results!


Very happy news for me!! :cool:

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Thanks everyone!


Judy, Alkaline water is the ONLY water ANYONE (pets included) should be drinking. Most foods and all drinks, including bottled/tap/well water is acidic to us and all pets. It is well known by the medical community that ALL disease and cancer cells live in acidic conditions. If our bodies are flushed with alkaline water, this will reverse our chances of that happening.


I have a machine on my counter top that produces alkaline water right from my faucet. It is all we drink, cook with and clean with. If anyone wants more info, pm me and I will be happy to send you info. I have been massively researching this topic for over 6 months. My machine also produces acid water which is used in hospitals and hotels for sterilizing and killing all bacteria. I use this on all my birds cages, tree stands and toys, plus cleaning my bathrooms and house. I haven't purchased any cleaning products for the past 5 months! :)

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