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While you're at work: Seeking advice, suggestions


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I was wondering what you're grey does while you're at work? I leave before sunrise and the little guy is still sleeping; I open the shades so he can get sunlight. Other than that, any advice on what I should do for him? He's 3-4 months old. Should i leave the radio on? Is it necessary? Does he need toys? When I get home, he starts chirping but other than that, he is slightly fluffed and resting on the perch, almost exactly how I leave him in the morning.

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It's best to leave the radio on, position the cage near areas that have activity so he can see the activity. My birds watch all the outdoor birds all day long whether I'm home or not. I don't know the size of your cage but a big cage is best because he'll have to stay in it most of the day

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I do hope you are giving him some food and water before you leave for work and yes he should have some toys in the cage to play with while you are at work to keep him busy and occupied, I leave a radio on for background noise. He should be playing and amusing himself while he is alone and you should be letting him out of his cage when you get home for some out of cage time to explore and be with his "flock".

Why don't you introduce yourself and tell us some more about you and this grey of yours, like what is his name?

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Of course he has food and water! Two varieties of food, a pellets dish and seed. My goodness.


He has two toys but plays with neither. It is a big cage and one side is near the windows for him to look out. I've been leaving the radio on, but sure if its necessary. Isn't quiet time also important? When I get home, the tv or radio is on as well as lots of talk. And yes, as soon as I get home I open the cage. He comes out and stretches. By then I've washed my hands. He come sout and climbs on shoulders and back, we hnag out the rest of the night.


His name is Took. He's a Congo grey. The rest of the flock includes my husband, our dog, and often my parents.

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Greetings, munch! Welcome to the forum. Took is such a cute name; sort of Tolkienesque. :)


I think what judygram meant was to be sure Took gets fresh water and food before you leave for work, as these items, especially the water, need to be changed and freshened frequently.

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Judy is just making sure that all the necessary things are covered. She's not insulting you. She's not the type of person that would ever do that. Why did she mention food and water? Well, believe it or not, there's plenty of people who actually have held back food and water until they come home. Some of the reasons they do that winds up hurting the bird. We always give a full picture here because we don't know you and you don't know us. We only try to be helpful.

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Hi Munch, your Took must be a little cutie. My grey loves to look out the window during the day also. I just have to be careful that the sun doesn't shine on her all day or she would get too hot. If Ana Grey has a little sunlight and lots of shade and water she is always a happy little fid. I look forward to hearing more about Took and seeing some pictures if you have any you would like to share.

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I make sure to give Issac a lot of toys to choose from, things to hang from, bells to ring...etc. They like to chew little pine cone to pieces too. Toys, toys, toys.....make life interesting. I also leave Smooth Jazz or Kids shows on for him to hear. The best you can do is make the cage entertaining. If he doesn't like the toys that are in there, and you notice no signs of wear on the toys...try other toys. :)

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My grey stays in his cage while I am work, he can see the dogs in their kennels so he has company. He has his toys and forage ball. I also leave the radio on for them. They are not next to a window, but I do open the blinds of a window across the room so he can see (well I think he can see out):)

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Just make absolutely sure the toys are safe. Most toys have a warning on them that they are to be used under supervision, and with good reason. Nails and feet can easily get caught or tangled in seemingly harmless toys. I learnt that the hard way with one of my lorikeets, whom I found hanging upside down one day, with her toe tangled in a piece of thread from a toy. Blood everywhere, little birdie in shock. Mad dash to the vet, who glued the wound and gave her fluids. She survived, but the rear toe turned black and fell off.

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Thanks everyone! It's good to get feedback. Thanks for the confirmation that I'm dong alright by Took and keeping him as happy as he could be while we're at work. I'll try other toys if he doesn't seem to take to the ones in there already.


Barbara2- I can only image Took's first in Spanish because of leaving him with Spanish tv or radio!

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