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Need help with Cody

Codys Mom

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I don't know what to take out of his and what to leave , our poor baby has a terrible time just trying to perch on anything unless you sit him on a perch then he has a hard time getting down and I have his perches low , I also have a boing in there but I'am going to take it out tomorrow it's just getting in his way for now maybe when he gets stronger I can put it back in , he has terrible balance and almost no gripping power, he fell a few times in his cage today but I have his cage padded with thick newspaper and a big heavy towel , hubby said he fell off the playstand twice today to so we have a big towel on the bottom of that to , my poor little guy is really haveing a hard time here and I'am not sure what to do to help him

I will be glad to get him to the vet friday and hopefully he can do something to help him but I won't let him break his leg and reset it to me that's to risky , I talked to my vet today for a few minutes before I made the appointment and he did say he needs a large cage in his opinion that way he will have more room to spread out and move around , I have him in a starter cage for now it's 32 wide and it's tall with a playtop , my vet said get him froma 36 to a 40inch dome type cage not a square cage with a playtop that way he will have more room inside and he has the bottle brush playgym if he ever learns to stay on it to play on

anyone else have any ideas?

and just think the breeder I bought him from said he was getting around real good sure he was frown.gif anything for a sale I guess

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Cody is going to have to learn how to perch the best way he can since he has that deformity and I think you are doing the right thing now in leaving his perches low and putting padding down to soften any falls as he adjusts to using his foot to the best of his ability. When he starts getting around good then you can put him into a larger cage. Most baby greys are a little clumsy to start off with and he has a deformity that makes it harder for him but he will adjust to it soon. Your avian vet may have some more ideas and can better help you with Cody.

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How sad, but it's wonderful that he is in such a loving home. It sounds like he does need a wider and shorter cage with some perches perhaps experiment with different diameters to see which he can get a grip on better. He will figure it out though. It will just take time to see just how well he will truly be able to get around as he learns to deal with it. Then you can modify as you see types he can use and place them accordingly.


Please update on what the vet has to say and recommends.

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You've only had him for 2 days. Some of the pressure can be eased by keeping the bird in his cage for at least 1 week until he gets used to all the new things around him including all the perches and other things in and out of his cage. That's the standard procedure that people do when buying a baby bird with or without a deformity. Doing that will lessen the amounts of time he'll hurt himself.

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I will let everyone know what the vet says friday night , I'am hopeing that he can do something without doing any type of surgery on him ,I lowered the perches a little more and he is doing better at perching but he insists on going up high where you put the food bowls at , but not to eat just to hang out there , he slept in his food bowl last night then this morning I moved them back down to the bottom of the cage , he isn't eating alot with his food at the bottom of the cage , so I put his food back to the top where he insists on going on put a perch there and the same for his water bowl and you can forget leaving him in his cage all day he has a fit and gets very loud if you don't let him out of the cage for awhile

and what a cuddle bug, he layed on my chest for almost 2 hors today before I went to work, I think he got lots of extra attention by the breeders husband because her husband said he was going to miss his cuddle bug

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It's wonderful you are so observant of him and that it seems you have a very personal level relationship with those cuddles and time together out of the cage. :)


I am looking forward to hearing updates and seeing photos as well when you get a chance.

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Try building ramps (you can use cage wire or wood or even cardboard) then can cover with Vet wrap giving him some non slip purchase to assist him getting to flat perches using some pieces of untreated pine 2x4 you can cut to length. You can also get some untreated baskets in smaller sizes to give him some supported rest areas he can also chew, cheap and easily replaced.

Edited by Greywings
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I'am planiing on going to the bird store saturday was going sunday but I have to work and see what they have in cages and I was planning on getting him a rope perch I see they do make them for 36 inch cages but not for 40 inch I'am not sure what size or style of cage I'am getting just yet I want to get another opinion from my vet and go with that , just hopeing and praying he can somehow fix his leg with out doing any type of surgery ,I actually think he could wrap it up with bandage and kind of move it more straight but I don't know it's turned pretty bad , more than 50% so keeps Cody in your thoughts and prayers tomorrow and I will let everyone know what the out come is

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