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Angel has flown over the rainbow bridge.


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Angel has flown over the rainbow bridge., Karen's friend, Barbara, her Grey Angel has taken flight. Karen [Karcar] un-selfishly took on the responsibility of helping her friend Barbara care for this Grey that they rescued from a Drug house, with all odds against them. They loved and cared for this poor drug abused baby. In his passing, he new love and was calm at the end. Karen wishes to not answers questions concerning Angel right now, while she takes this time to grieve. If any one wishes, they can contact me.


Fly Free my Grey Friend Angel

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To know kindness, hear a soft voice, gentle touch and have a soft place to land, this little Angel was in the best possible care while he let go and went to peace. My heart is with you, Angel's love and presence leaves a void in your life. As a little time passes and your raw grief is able to settle you will find a meaningful way to remember and pay tribute to your special little friend.

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Thank you so much everyone the whole thing has been so emotional from trying to do the very best we could for Angel's health and her mind, the fear she suffered was heart breaking and the autopsy report has shown she had also been abused many broken bones that had healed improperly. She truly was an Angel she has touched my life in a very special way and opened my eyes to just how in tune these wonderful creatures truly are, I do continue to battle the "IF ONLY'S" but I also know Angel is finally at peace and one she so richly deserves. Thank you all so much for your kindness, and Jay you and Maggie are tops in my book thank you so much for all you have done to help us.


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the autopsy report has shown she had also been abused many broken bones that had healed improperly.


That just makes me boiling mad and if I knew who that person was I would go and break every bone in their body but that person will get their just rewards, its just too bad that it was at the expense of Angel, my gosh how she must have suffered but she suffers no longer.

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