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My husband is going to be mad...


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Yes, my fault.. he hardly ever jumps down, and I did make sure a while back, that there were no wires on the ground just in case this happened. When I let him walk around on the kitchen floor, for some reason he always goes to that same spot, I do not know why, that is the below the sink cabinet. I always thought the cabinets were painted, but it is like a plastic shrink wrap coating??? But sanding it and a little paint will make it less noticeable thanks.

Turns out Matt did not get that mad. Yay! He was also surprised on the way they were made.

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I always thought the cabinets were painted, but it is like a plastic shrink wrap coating??? But sanding it and a little paint will make it less noticeable thanks.


Yeah, it's a spray-on coating done in the factory, I forget what it's called. Actually alot like the finish coat on a car - you'll never copy it exactly. If it really bothers you, it looks like a standard door. You could always buy a replacement at a home improvement store. Watch that Babalu doesn't make a habit of it, the paint finish can't be good for him.

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How can he be mad at that face anyway??? LOL


True but my first response was he could get glad the same way he got mad! That will be a lesson never to leave her unattended when she is out and about for no furniture is off limits, glad it wasn't as bad as it could have been.

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