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very quick head shaking


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Not sure if it is normal, to me is doesn't seem like it should be but my new baby TAG (Kenya) gives her head a quick little shake over and over thru out the day, she is due back at the vets for a recheck and I am going to mention it to her at that time but just thought I would ask the forum what you thought in the meantime.

Thanks, Karen :)

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My Cleo does it all the time, especially when I am calling out to her. To me it seems it's almost an acknowledgement, "I hear you".

One thing to keep an eye out for is an ear infection. The ear hole has slightly different feathers covering it, but they should be the same colour as the rest of the bird, not stained or brown coloured, as this can indicate a discharge. Also when snuggling your bird, or if she sits on your shoulder, give her earhole a quick sniff lol. There should not be any odour, except for maybe her typical sweet warm birdie smell.

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Why do you say "Sorry"? I'd rather someone "be negative," as you put it, and put out some useful info that maybe other people had not considered, than to try to keep everything rainbows and sunshine and a problem not be solved for it. Just something that occurred to me.

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