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Hi my name is Sue. My boyfriend and I have the pleasure o fliving with an African Grey named ChaChi. She was given to us by a friend who could no longer give her the attention she needs. I think she is very happy with us. Actually she loves my boyfriend and puts up with me. I'll post a picture of her soon. We are new to this and we want to take very good care of her. I'm really glad I found this site so we can all talk about our birds. She's very vocal and the funniest thing she does is copy my cats meow. And when we get home she does a kind of yoo-hoo sound to let us know she's been waiting for us.

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Thank you, Sueb, for posting your information in this thread, and welcome to the family. You will like it here, we treat each other as a second family and we will try to help you with any question you may have.


If you can get a photo posted of your ChaChi, we would love to see her, we love photos here, can't you tell.

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Guest briansmum

hi and welcome!


your birdie sounds lovely, can't wait to hear more about her<br><br>Post edited by: xxbeccyxx, at: 2007/08/22 20:13

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Hi & Welcome to our family. We're happy you joined. I look forward to seeing pictures and hearing more! There is a lot of good information here, so look around and ask any questions you may have. We'll help you any way we can. :)

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Guest Monique

Well Hi SueB!! I know I replied to this yesterday but somehow my post disappeared!!


It's great to have you on the board. I remember ChaChi from Happy Days, too :).

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