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Harness training


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I'm hoping to put notes here during harness training so hopefully others can learn from my successes (as well as my mistakes).


I started with leaving the harness in Neo's play area on top of his cage so that he would get used to just seeing it. That worked very well.


Today I started with the head through the loop training. I did get the loop over his head but he freaked out a bit once it was on. I took it off as quickly as possible and went back to google to see if I could find additional help. There was a video showing training with getting a bird to put his head through a BIGGER loop, one made with the side where the wing actually goes through. So I tried again with the bigger loop and Neo put his head through to get a treat. I did it twice very successfully. I will take it up again tomorrow making the loop a little bit smaller.

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Your on the right path in taking it slow, easy and using treats to make it a positive experience. It great that you backed up and researched before trying further harness introduction.


If you have the Aviator, it includes a very good DVD that steps you through the process of introducing it to your bird and more importantly, getting them used to you lifting the wings and touching their body in other places.


I am looking forward to your continued updating of this thread. :)

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I watched the video and it is helpful but I don't feel it is complete. I needed to supplement the training steps because the bird he uses in the video is much more easy going compared to my bird. I went looking for examples of birds who weren't quite as compliant. But you are right. Anyone who buys the aviator should watch the video before they begin to do anything with the harness.

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LOL!!! Yeah, a Grey is nothing like a puppy dog B&G Baby Macaw.


Believe me, I went though the same reaction from Dayo as you are experiencing. The first time I got it completely on him, after he sat there for all of 10 seconds the "What is this all over me" and the tumbling and biting of the harness began. I had to offer him a few peanuts to keep his beak busy while I tried to calm him and get his mind off off it, as I got it off quickly! Otherwise I would have been down at the hospital getting stitches. :)

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I have the avator too its been on lillys cage now for about four days and i havent tried to put it on her yet, i did watch the video and it is very informative it took about two days for lilly to let me run my hand over her eyes so she knows im not going to hurt her and she shuts her eyes and the actual count of up to 3 with the wings she is taking too as well i think im going to wait a bit longer just to make sure shes happy with me doing what im doing before i try, ok im scared of scaring her off it lol, i think she be fine i give it another few days lol

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We're still behind Lilly. (But then again Neo came to me with his wings clipped so he is not fully flighted.)


Day two of the actual harness work. I'm still using a wing loop but I made the loop smaller so that it touched Neo's face as he put his head through the loop to get the treat. I let the harness rest on his neck for about 2 seconds and then I pulled it back off. I did this 4 times. That's it for today. I'm trying to keep the lessons short and fun with just a little progress. I figure I have until about April when the weather turns warm again before we actually go outside.

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yeah its just a patient thing, lilly is a baby just 13 wks today and not clipped, the good thing being neo's feathers will be swapped out for full feathers back in his next molt, then he will have to learn how to land bless him, lilly still does the crash thing still not mastered that completly yet she has a couple of places shes good at landing the rest she crashes, hopefully she get better before the weather warms up so we can take her out to fly on her harness.

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Neo is a bit older because of vacation plans. We had to put off bringing him home. It is better to start earlier but even with that, the bird can hit a point where they reject what they previously accepted. Doing what you are doing is absolutely the right thing to do. Baby steps even when it seems you might be able to leap ahead!

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I tried something new today. It didn't work the way I planned but it worked pretty good.


I have some small, wooden chopsticks. I took one and put peanut butter on the end of it and used it to lure Neo's head through. It turns out he doesn't like peanut butter. So I put a hunk of peach on the end. That intrigued him enough but it turned out he just wanted to chew on the stick. So I was able to put the loop (I'm still using a slightly expanded wing loop for his head) over his head and leave it there touching his neck and one side while he chewed on the stick. (Otherwise he tries to chew on the harness.) I feel like I am making progress!!

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There will be no lessons today. I have a MUCH bigger challenge of the human kind. I have 3 girls with me today aged 2, 1 and 6 months. It is not a conducive environment for bird training. (As a matter of fact, he flew back to his cage this morning in the midst of kiddy chaos.)


And I thought I was retired!

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... a stick... hmmm, I shall try that, maybe he will keep his head in the loop longer, thanks. I know when I tried a go at clicker training I used a chopstick, he wanted to eat it, not just touch it! That only lasted a week:) it just wasn't for us..

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I have read this thread and laughed all the way through it! You certainly are persevering Barbara. I too had triumps and disasters with the aviator ~ and then the first winter in the UK arrived and I didn't even think to even put it on him even in the house - then tried it again in the Spring - DISASTER! All of my great efforts unravelled in the space of three months. Once you do get it on - don't stop - keep going. Don't end up with the battle I had this summer to get it on Harvey!



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I'm sticking with the head loop training for at least a week. I don't train on days when the little ones are over (usually Monday and Wednesday) but I am doing this consistently. Today I took extra time getting the head loop over just to make it not so perfect and he did fine. My biggest problem is that he wants to chew on the harness. That's where the stick becomes a handy tool but I am also trying to teach him that chewing on the harness is not OK.

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This stick idea did not work for me yesterday. But mine does not chew on the harness. So back to the safflower seeds. He sticks his head in enough to get the seed then back out. He does not want the harness to touch him. You will have the harness on Neo in no time! You are doing great. I might sew a shoelace together, like the head loop and work with that, it will be smaller and maybe lighter. I think I read that is how Shanlung trained his second grey, he put it on and the bird freaked out for a minute then it got use to it..

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That is sort of what I was doing but I was making a loop from the bigger wing loop. I started with it big enough that it did not touch him at all and then started making it smaller and smaller and then let it touch his neck and left side. I tucked the head loop, leash and the rest of the harness into my left hand and held the loop in the fingers of my left hand while offering the treat with my right. I had to practice just holding onto the whole thing while making a loop with the wing portion before I ever attempted to try to put it over Neo's head.

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Today I put the head loop on without any argument and while it was on, I got my fingers under one wing and lifted it. He didn't like that but he didn't do anything more than move away after I had it lifted for about three seconds. I'm sticking with the "slow and steady wins the race" school of training.

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The last two days I've been able to put the head loop on very easily and I have also slipped the left wing loop under the wing, worked it up in place and pulled it semi-tight. He HATED it yesterday, and hated it less today. He's actually making this easier than I ever thought it would be. He still tries to chew on the harness at every opportunity and I have to keep the stick well placed. I am feeling a lot better about this! Two days ago I wondered if I would ever be able to get the wing loop on because he will not let me raise his wing. So I stopped trying to lift it and just gently slid the strap under his wing. This was the easy wing since I'm right handed. When I try the right wing, I'll have to use my left hand so I'm going to be putting that off for awhile and just keep repeating what we already have acheived.

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Sounds like you're doing great, Barbara! Some day I'm going to purchase a harness and then start with my girl, too, but right now funds are tight so it will have to wait. But I want to purchase one asap so I can start her getting used to it since it will probably be a long process.


Thanks for the updates! :-)

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