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Why Not In The Cage


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All this talk about poop again! Babalu hardly goes in his cage either. But I take him out in the morning to poo, well most mornings when he is not a grump:) then he goes back in while I work or when I leave the house (4-6hrs). Then he is out on one of his stands or on my shoulder until I put him to bed. On the mornings he does not come out, he will go in the cage.

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Does anyone else have this issue. Issac will very rarely...poop in his cage. He saves all of his 'love' for me. What is up with that. I will occasionally see a poop at the bottom...but it is far few and in between. Anyone else have this?


My Miss Hannah does the same thing LOL

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Steven, You and Isaac always make me laugh. You say "what's up with that" and Isaac says "why make a mess in my house when he is so willing to clean up behind me in his house". LOL. I have seen pictures of a tiny just-hatched naked hummingbird propelling itself with its beak to poop outside the nest. It might have something to do with predators and not drawing them in to the safe haven. Or... maybe Isaac so enjoys seeing you with your paper towels running around cleaning up after him. In all seriousness, some people make "poop stations" with a heavy lined basket where the bird can fly, hold the handle and be trained to poop in one spot outside the cage. I planned ahead, got a crock that is made for kitchen utensils, have one on every floor of the house and one to put in the cage once Kopi learned to "hit the spot". For my dogs, I hung a cow bell on the door handle and rang the bell every time we went outside. From there, if we travel, no matter where we go, they will find the bell and let me know they want out.

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Moussa is the same way. He will wait until he gets out of the cage in the morning to do his "morning bomb." I have a pair of blue crown conures who are the same way.


I think it does have to do with an instinct to avoid giving away their nest site to predators.


In any case, when the birds come out of the cage in the morning, it's paper towels at the ready! :)

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Its funny but Josey will go in her cage but when she comes out she usually will drop one over the side of the door but she hardly ever drops one on me anymore but Sunny is the opposite, she loves to make me wear her poop, she goes anywhere she feels the need and so does Gypsy, so I am always cleaning up poop but have learned to live with it.

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LOL...its nice to know I have company. It is pretty obvious that he doesn't 100% forbid himself from pooping in his cage....however, it is also obvious that he is making an effort not to. Whatever the reason, so long as I catch those first bombs, I am pretty much okay. One of his favorite places now...is into the top of my floor lamps. I have two identical ones and he seems to find them a comfortable place to poop. Even given that, I still have a huge job picking up after him. He is so loved. LOL.

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Talon, my timneh will NEVER EVER poop in any of her cages. She has a big sleep cage and a daytime play cage. She will stay in there all day or night and hold it until she comes out. My other two....well, they don't care where they go, the cage, floor, table, counter, couch, ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :(

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My birds are out all day. Well Ana Grey and Louie anyway. Sully prefers a cage and if he leaves his large cage he will go to a travel cage in another room. He is niot a bird who likes to play so he usually poops in one spot in his cage(s). Ana Grey's poops are under her sleeping perch and Louie's are the same. So Ana Grey and Louie prefer to poop outside their cages. Ana Grey never poops on me but will on the back of my typing chair, little stinker.

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I wish Sully wouldn't poop in his cage! That would make for a much quicker cleaning ;)

I read before getting Sully that some greys will only poop in a certain spot in their cage, or won't poop in there at all. Sully has a corner that he prefers, and of course under his favorite rope perch there is always some, but other than that he won't usually go anywhere else in his cage. However, we have progressed to taking the "morning big one" over the trashcan..i'll take it!

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In the wild African grey parrots don't generally poop in their nest/tree, as someone has said to avoid attracting predators. Issac is doing what comes naturally, pooping everywhere but his nest.


Murphy on the other hand is different to that for some reason, he poops in his cage & on his stand but very rare that he does it anywhere else. I never keep hold of him for too long though & if I see signs that he might poop I put him back on his stand. I'm sure if I kept him in one place other than his cage or stand & he needed to poop he wouldn't wait & would just poop.


Oh & we all know about that big one in the morning, they obviously don't like doing it at night while sleeping, it's 12 hours worth of poop!

Edited by reggieroo
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My dogs also ring the bell to go outside. A little trick that has saved my carpets I'm sure. Tobie however will poop where ever. I would just like him not to poop on me. When he goes for walks I will give him frequent opportunities to sit on a fence or bench to poop and he seems to understand that when I take him off my shoulder he is supposed to poop, but sometimes he just looks at me like "what!!!" and so we move on and he soon poops on my shirt. I have a green and white t-shirt that I use to walk my bird. I use leaves to wipe the poop off and it all blends into the color of the shirt so I can pretend it really didn't happen -- again.

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