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Is Bird Poop Deadly


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People like this drive me nuts. I think most of these candid comments from friends are the result of two things. One, most of these reports people are referencing are most likely referring to wild birds and I'll speculate further and guess they heard something about birds from densely populated areas where kids in the projects keep pigeons for pets. Second, it's just another case of stupid people wanting to sound smart by regurgitating a vague watered down fact they heard on the news. My response in these situations is usually, "thats interesting, I'd like to read up on that. Can you send me that article or link?" Nine times out of ten the person in question can't back up their information with a source. There's a reason you have to cite your research since the 3rd grade, why quit now?


Sarcasm aside, since I'm new to this forum i should give the disclaimer that I tend to satirize and go over the top with some of my postings. So please don't take offense to what I say.


Should a bird owner who gets lab work done throughout a birds life, have to worry about most of these diseases because your bird shouldn't have them in the first place? Or is the bacteria in question part of a healthy dropping? If you employ the idea of a closed aviary to your home and regularly clean are there still any potential issues?

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I just can't stop myself. After reading this and thinking about it for a minute, I have friends who think I am too involved with my birds and since they have been sick, it could be communicable to humans etc. If one was so concerned about whether bird poop was dangerous, I might also ask them to help me research it. If, on the other hand, I thought it was a comment meant to shock me or a commentary on how I should better spend my time, I might say, "Hmm, you may have a point there, I will look into that. One thing I know for sure though is that humans have dangerous bacteria in their mouth, would you mind to bring your own mug for coffee? I wouldn't want my bird to catch anything from you." LOL. Then again, maybe I have a hair trigger after thirty year of a critical MIL. When she mentioned that my getting a bird meant she was never coming to visit again because she hates birds... I got a second one just for the extra protection. LOL

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