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Cockatoo and face paint


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Well, my DH, daughter and I went to a pumpkin patch this weekend.


My daughter got her face painted as a tiger (it was sooooo cute!)


We went home, it smeared somewhat (she fell asleep in the car and had a few tears)


SO... Jasper (grey) was in the living room, he did not notice my daughters face paint. But then, he does not let her do anything with him.


Now, Bella (U-Too) on the other hand, my daughter picks her up, cuddles, will carry her and Bella will step down or step up for my daughter.


So...we're in the bathroom, Bella comes walking in. I pick her up and give scratches. The second she noticed my DD's face, she puffed up and was hissing and doing the cockatoo dance on my hand. I put my other hand on her shoulders to make sure if she dove for my DD, she wouldn't get very far. I had DD stand still and talk softly for Bella. She kept hissing and feathers puffed up.


So, I took Bella and DD to the birds room. Put Bella in her cage and then we stayed in the birds room. DD was at a distance, talking, telling her it was just her and not to be upset. We stayed (what seemed like forever) until Bella had calmed down enough to put her feathers back down (they were a little bit raised, but not the standing on end like before) so, then, I let Bella see me wash off face paint.


After that, bella was fine. She didn't come out of her cage (i didn't let her) as it was close to bedtime, I just went ahead and shut off the light so she would go to sleep.


The next morning she was fine.


Did I handle the situation correctly? And I guess in the future, Bella can't be out while we have on facepaint...

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They notice everything and yes you should have kept DD away from Bella while she had the facepaint on as she would view that as a threat. I don't usually paint my fingernails but one day I did for an evening out and the next day I went to get Josey out of her cage and as soon as she saw my findernails she freaked, something as simple as that can stress them for it is foreign to what they usually encounter. You might find that even moving around some furniture will bring about the same reaction, anything new is frightening.

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it's very interesting on exactly what they find to be a threat...


Glad I did everything right... There is no way I let DD handle her or go near her when Bella's upset. And my DD knows not to go near her when she's doing her dance... I just wasn't sure if waiting and talking calmly to her until she calmed down was smart or if we should have just left the room and not let her out until the facepaint was gone.


I didn't want to leave and for Bella to think that it was ok to act like that to my DD either.


One valuable lesson I learned is that I won't ever let Bella see facepaint again! :)

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You did great, our Tango 'TOO, when we play "American Indian [flute] music", does the same thing, he'll lunge at Maggie, it took us a little while to figure out what was causing the problem, Don't play the music, no problem....Good job....Jay d

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If DD uses the face paint a lot, isn't it a good idea to have DD put the paint on where Bella can watch? I find if my birds see something that makes them uncomfortable but something needed or used, they can get use to things if presented in the right way, if you can find one(right way) that is.

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oh, that's a good idea luvparrots!


Thankfully she doesn't use face paint alot! Temporary tattoos, however, she loves them (and knows how to put them on herself!), but keep fingers crossed that Bella will always be ok with those (she doesn't seem to care about them). I will do that if Bella or Jasper starts freaking out about those temporary tats.


Jay - American Indian flute music?!? oh dear! And that's probably (one) of your and Maggie's favorite music! Jasper isn't a fan of 'fast' pace music which is mine, DD and Bella's favorite!

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Cockatoos do seem to be a bit skittish about things like that. When I hang a new toy in the bird room, Gwyneth the 'Too will fly away from it and then give it a cautious examination from across the room. The conures, of course, just pounce right on the thing and start playing. Gwyneth will later sneak up on the new toy and investigate it, after she's been satisfied that the conures have played with it and lived. :)

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Birdnut - no kidding!!! I thought the way Jasper (grey) reacts to new toys was 'oh my a new toy let's pretend it isn't here' and the leaning away from new toys was skittish...until I got Bella! She is the worst with new toys! I remember one time, showing her a new toy and then putting it in her cage. She completely flipped out. It's so cute how Gwyneth will only play with the new toy after the conures have and lived through it... lol. Birds are so funny!


birdhouse - thank you! :D Totally made my day!

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