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Routines/out-of-cage time and sleeping hours (and queries to those who rent)


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Hi all,


I'm new here but am on a number of other forums under the same username in case anyone recognises me. Just joined a couple of Grey forums, as after some deliberation myself and my partner have decided to get an African Grey (CAG or TAG).


This won't be until next year, as we have just returned from a round-the-world trip and are currently job hunting, and looking to start renting a place of our own. We are both likely to be working full-time and I was wondering if anyone who is also on a working schedule could share their routines with their Greys, suggestions on minimum out-of-cage time (we would have the AG out every evening and both days at the weekend) and how to balance this with enough sleep!


Also, we are going to be renting at least for the next couple of years. Is there anyone else here who rents and keeps parrots and how do you find this arrangement?


Thankyou in advance for any help!


Philippa and Jimmy

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Welcome, My opinion, Greys can be taught to be not destructive of things that don't be long to them,[most of the time] also there not quite as loud as other parrots. You can live a fairly normal life routine working etc, remember, a Grey also likes having a routine. A Grey needs on the average of 10 to 12 hours of sleep time daily, this is in a dark quiet area, not a cage cover with a TV going. Thank you for taking the time to research before buying a Grey. My reply will be just one of many suggestions from a Grey't bunch of people. Thanks Jay d

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Greys do like a routine and they don't much like change as you might find out if you move some furniture but do not become so set in a routine that something different freaks him/her out, vary a little from time to time.

I work full time and let my fids out when I get home and then on weekends they are out most of the day and that seems to satisfy them but if you would work an evening shift then you could have them out early before going to work, you will find a solution that fits your particular situation.

They do require 10 to 12 hours sleep and some of this may come during the day while everyone is gone, they can and do take naps when they feel like it.

Greys are some of the quieter birds that may be more suitable for apartment living, I live out in the country and my fids could scream all they want and no one would hear them but they are fairly quiet fids.

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My greys are on a fairly consistent routine, but my work schedule can become hectic, so I try to mix the schedule up so not to stress them when my schedule does change. It has worked for me thus far. I always get them out in the mornings before I go to work for about 30 minutes and then take them in the shower with me. They are then out for at least 3 to 6 hours in the evening. Our morning routine is the part of the day I cherish the most. My oldest talks to me constantly while we are in the shower and it is a precious start to my day. I also rent and have had no issues with my birds destroying any of the house. I have a lenient landlord though who is also an animal lover. It doesn't bother her at all to rent to someone who has two dogs, two parrots, three cats, and three chickens! You don't find many like that though! However, I always pay my rent a week early and provide her with fresh eggs from the chickens just to make sure she stays happy with me.

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I work afternoons shift and hubby works days so it works out great for us,all of mine are out from 9am until I go to work then they go to their cages and are locked up until hubby comes home which is usually about 2 to 3 hours then right back out they come until bed time and thats around 9pm so they get plenty of sleep and lots of out of cage time and I have 2 playstands for them to play on so they keep pretty busy , he also feeds them their dinner at 6pm and every night , I give them their showers in the morning before I go to work , we have a good routine and it seems to work pretty well for us

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I think Murphy is on less of a routine than most & I'm at home all day, we never know how the day is going to be. I'm terrible at routine myself & can't stick to one so try to mix it up a little for Murphy so things don't freak him out as easy. It has worked pretty well so far, bought him a new cage, he was in it an hour later, few hours after that he was on his new perch etc, didn't like one of his toys though. :rolleyes: I've had him since a baby so thought it best that he gets used to my way of life from the beginning.


I guess even though I'm not routine type of person some routine is inevitable, like every morning I wake up, take off the sheet & say good morning. I normally let him out first thing in the morning for the rest of the day. Some days though I go outside to do jobs if my Daughter is at her grandparents, so those days Murphy is in his cage safe & sound where he can't get into mischief. Even on those rare days he gets at least four hours of out of cage time in the evening which is recommended as a minimum. He always gets his 10-12 hours of sleep a night, normally always 12 unless I'm naughty & keep him up late. :P He's like a little kid though & hates going to bed, he would rather stay up with his Dad & watch TV.


You will find your own way & routine to live with a grey, just make sure they get at least four hours out of cage time a day + 10-12 hours sleep, some good food & lots of love & attention & you will be rewarded with a little grey best friend.

Edited by reggieroo
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"It doesn't bother her at all to rent to someone who has two dogs, two parrots, three cats, and three chickens! You don't find many like that though!"


Tell me about it! Jimmy's sister Laura has a menagerie and still manages to rent quite easily, I'm pretty jealous. At the moment we only have a rabbit, a african pygmy hedgehog and a small fish tank so I'm holding off getting any new pets until we've found a place, and I'm going to let the lardlord know at the start that I plan to get a companion parrot - a parrot comes top of my list any day, much as a dog would be nice in the future. Been scouting out some renting agencies and it seems hopeful in the area we live, quite a few places that don't say 'NO PETS!!!!!!.'


As far as working our routine out to share life with a Grey, reggieroo, I sure hope so. There's nothing I want more, and I'm sure it'll work out but I can't help freaking myself out with all the what-ifs. It helps to know there are a bunch of different people out there with a variety of schedules who make it work though, not just the lucky people who can spend all day with the birds :)

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We have a cat and a little dog (whom Kito might like to make a victim of her wrath). I have to watch her every minute when she is out, so I made a bird room where I keep her sleeping cage, her pet parakeet Charlie, and a big playstand. I get her out at 8:15 a.m. and spend about 30 minutes with her in the morning and then she goes in her big livingroom cage to eat her breakfast while I am at work. I leave the TV on for her. When I come home we eat lunch together and play for about an hour then she goes and plays in her room (that has a screen door also) for most of the afternoon. Charlie is not hand tame (working on that) so he stays in his flight cage all the time. I stop in several times and chat with her and Charlie and play as time allows depending on my schedule. If I am busy with bookwork sometimes we just whistle and jabber back and forth for a while until I have time to take a break. I bring her back out into the livingroom/diningroom area around 5 and she eats dinner with us (in her cage). Then it's concert time and Lee plays his guitar and Kito sings along. On the 2 nights I am gone she stays in her cage or goes back into the playroom if she wants. If I am home she can be out. Then about 8 pm she helps me do the dishes and laundry and then we go hang out with Charlie for a while until birdie bedtime around 9 p.m. She seems really happy and doesn't do any screaming or digging or anything. She doesn't get bored unless she's in the same place for more than 3 or 4 hours at a time.

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Welcome! :)


We rent an apartment, in a building where there are 10 other tenants. We have to conures, two love birds and Sully, our grey. Our apartment maintanance men love our birds, and we have to kind of push them out the door everytime they come to fix somthing because they love to play with our birds so much :)

However, the conures are quite loud, but luckily we live in a building with people who work during they day, so they aren't home to hear their screams :) Greys are usually quite quiet (except for the jungle calls :) ) so Sully is kind of unknown to the other tenants. The only problem we have is with poop on the carpet. We clean it quickly, but you always miss one, or the stain is left behind, so we make sure to steam clean our carpets every couple of months. Other than that, it's no different than owning the place you live :)

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Ah, thankyou! Just the kind of info I was looking for, and good to know I'm not crazy for thinking of renting and living with a Grey. It seems it's mainly big dogs or menageries of pets that landlords are wary of around here so hopefully if I keep on top of the cleaning and make sure Mr/Miss Grey have plenty to chew on that isn't house fixtures things should be ok.


Sully is gorgeous by the way. I really like the TAGs - saw a couple for the first time last weekend. Definitely considering a TAG! :cool:

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