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Cage Help Please???!?!?!


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im from ireland and getting a grey in 3/4 weeks there is no good cages around where i live my questions is is this cage big enough for a grey ----> http://emeraldpetproducts.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=35&product_id=59 plus there is this one ---> http://emeraldpetproducts.com/index.php?route=product/product&path=35&product_id=67 i like the first one but is it 2 small for a gray??? and this is the last one it is a english site wondering if it would be ok to ship to ireland they said they would ship but would it get to ireland ok?? here is last cage ---->>http://www.justcages.co.uk/products/montana-orlando-parrot-cage what do ye think i am really stuck and head wrecked love the last one but afraid of delivering Thanks

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You know my grey doesn't spend a lot of time roaming around in her cage. Even when she is in all day she plays with her toys and as long as she can flap/spread her wings out full, is very happy. Ana Grey treats her cage as a holding pen. How much time is your grey going to be out during the day?

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I would get the biggest cage you can afford, otherwise you will always want to upgrade:) I did anyway, now I am happy with my cage. But if you can only choose between these 3, I would get the 3rd one. This is my 2nd cage DSC03117.jpg this was my first DSC02887.jpg

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I think the second cage is the one that I have for Phenix & we're very happy with it. The door's big enough to stick my body thru to clean. It cleans very nicely. Sets up well. I like that all the bars are horizontal. The open top lets Phenix out without having to maneuver around the open door & the dog can't stick her face inside. She can't get into the poop tray, either.


I do have to admit to having a little problem with the metric conversion thing. But I think you've linked the exact same cage.


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I have to agree that the bigger cage you can afford or accomodate in your home is the one to go with, even if your grey will be out of the cage a lot it makes sense to have the large cage when the chance comes that you take a trip or have to be away for a few days or more they have plenty of room to play if its necessary to be caged all day.

Poshey I would aim for 3+ hours a day out of cage time, more if you can manage it.

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hey i was mailing to you about this earlier, i like your pick of cages, i didnt see the 3rd one, there all very nice, good choice!

i agree you need a cage where your grey is gonna have enough room to spread there wings, and enough room for toys, and branches/perches

all 3 cages are suitable for African Greys, i would decide which one is gonna be best for you, also price wise, the one your going to be able to afford

i see why your worried about shipping

but just go for the one you think is going to be best :D

i look forward to seeing pictures soon :)


and i love your cages KimKim and birdhouse there very nice!

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thanks for all your help folks really apprenticed in the end i ordered one today this is what i went for -------->http://www.justcages.co.uk/products/montana-orlando-parrot-cage the site is in england (im from ireland) but hope will arrive in one piece like should payed 40 pound delivery its flat packed so should be grand at last i just went for it and ordered it before my head blew up

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Good choice :D i think that cage is great, its nice and great size, i hope it comes it to you well! let us know how it goes, and about your new grey when you get he/she :D

"before my head blew up" hahah, sorry to hear that it can be stressfull cause your not sure what to and things like that, and it can also be difficult when you have got so much choice lol :D

hope you enjoy your cage and new grey, also keep us updated ;):D

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