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My poor plucking parrot update

Guest DWD

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It's been a couple of weeks since we moved Sydney back into her little cage.

It's too soon I supose to tell what benefits the move has had. I will say she has lots of feathers coming in, the question is will she pluck or let these stay. So far, so good.

I've noticed a small tweak in her personality. She used to be quite demanding...birdie want out..birdie want OUT..BIRDIE WANT OUT...or cracker or whatever)..sorta bossy..she lost that when she went in the big cage..didn't ask to get out or get as deamding..that seems to have come back....

She just seems more content and more interactive. Hard to imagine a cage doing all that...

My big problem is this small cage was outside for a few weeks and has some issues related to that...a bit rusty in spots..door doesn't close easily.

But, I'm afaid to get a new cage..even if it looks exactly like this one for fear of messing her up....

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Birds are completely attached to their cage. I wouldn't suggest getting a new cage if she has been plucking, seriously fix up the one she's in now. Cage's are as much their home as our home is to us. Most birds when there out even want to be on top of their cage because there most comfortable and even if they are up in a tree, putting their cage outside is the most effective way of getting them out by themselves.

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