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You would think someone with 9 birds would not consider getting another - oops I did it again!


Last Thursday my mouth said yes (and so did my heart) when I was offered a beautiful 3 1/2 - 4 month old Panama (still hand feeding 2 times a day). There was a need and I had an empty cage (only because I had bought Sterling a new/bigger play cage)! What's a crazy person to do? So here I am again, reading everything in the Amazon room I can to learn about my new little guy. His name is Morgan (as in Captain - thanks to my daughter) and he is pure delight. He's already saying "hello" and "out" - yes you must use your imagination some on these - but he's working on them. His vet check was absolutey wonderful, he is the perfect "specimen," and has a wonderful docile personality (yeah I know, he's still a baby and we're only 10 days into this...lol).


My questions - only a couple - are as follows:


He's eating formula very well - weight is consistent - playing occassinally and doing all things I would expect him to do, but he doesn't want to eat anything else - no matter what it is. This may be due to his young age, but no matter what I put in his cage goes completely untouched. Any suggestions?


I have food in pellet form in one bowl (normal locations); seed mix in another and then water in the third. On the floor of the cage he has his blanket, a water bowl and a food bowl with a mix of pellet and seed. He likes to walk through the water bowl. I've offered human grade peanuts, almonds, banana chips and he won't take/eat any of them. The bag of food that was sent with him had too many sunflower seeds in it for my liking (I don't serve them at all) and lots of cracked seed pieces.


In regard to toys. Are there any toys that are better for such young ages over another. Beau was at least 6 months when I brought him home and is such a sad state that toys weren't much of an issue. Beau now has an unusual love of rope and plastic chain. Dixie loves to tear apart everything - especially leather knots and wooden sticks. I want to offer the right type of toys for the right species of bird. So again your insight is appreciated.


Other than that, he's proving a great companion for Beau. We took Beau with us to see the vet when we had Morgan checked and they became quick friends. It's amazing how nicely they are co-existing with each other. Dixie has been curious about Morgan for the two days they have been in the same room together, she's flown over to Beau's cage to stare at Morgan. Blue and Bean don't seem the slightest bit interested and Sterling - well Sterling doesn't share my office - he has the living room and his own boy!


Thanks for all the advice I know will be forthcoming!



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Hoo-ray..Don't worry if his solid food eating is a little slow, soon he'll eat you out of house and home, your right, no sunflower seed, Zon's are lover of veggies, carrots, sweet pea's, Zucchini, collard greens, cooked black eyed peas, Brn rice, dandelion greens, Cooked small pasta, keep him on a low fat , high protein diet, one nut a day. We always feed our Zon weanee's [And all our fids]our "Warmed Sweet-tater Smash",[well mushed sweet taters, and a dab of natural apple sauce, or mushed pair, or banana.] At his age, you can feed it to him with a spoon, 2 times a day, when he gets older, jut warm it and plop it on a saucer...You can substitute cooked carrots for the taters. Remember, "Abundant feeding"... Please read all the stickys about them..We need photp's my friend....

Thanks Jayd

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Thanks for the input, yes I had read those two pages all the way through and have determined that if he doesn't eat the pellets it's ok, however, all of my babies are on Harrison's so I'm content that when he does eat pelleted food (which I always offer) he's getting the right vitamins and fat levels in his diet. I was told that he should be on "solids" by the end of October, but the way he continues to attack his formula in the morning and evening, and the lack of touching anything else had me worried. His weight continues to hold steady and he's not increased his formula intake, he is very consistent in his intake.


He has been playing more over the last few days and I'm sure that this is normal as he acclimates to his new environment. I have discovered that Morgan too likes leather pieces and wood slates very much like Dixie. He does get lots of exercise - they all do; but this morning Morgan was happy to just perch on my fingers and flap for what seemed like five minutes. He is long clipped so he has some flight ability. When those molt out he will be as flighted as the rest of the flock. Hopefully this coming spring my dreams of a flight avairy will be realized and they will get more exercise than just flying through the house.


I'll try to post some pictures as soon as I can - just a quick break from studying for now - midterms this week and next. At least they are learning with me.........lol. Dixie's vocabulary is sounding like Black's Law Dictionary.



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Morning and thank you, Always wonderful job you do, don't worry, about eating solids so much, the last four Zons I fledged ate there formula till they were over 21 weeks old. A Zon leaves the nest at about 6 months old as apposed to a CAG, at a year old, there eating is more stable and they have less ups and downs then a Grey. I hope you'll give the soft foods a try...If you wish, you can make a "birdie muffin" and put some formula in it, enough he can smell and taste it...Jayd http://www.harrisonsbirdfoods.com/learningcenter/ac4.pdf

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We made the mash this afternoon and he ate with gusto - along with some fresh papaya and banana. I'm content with the formula, he's doing wonderfully on it, and lunch of mash doesn't bother me as long as he eats. I was concerned that he wasn't getting enough, but your confidence has insured me that I'm doing fine by Morgan and as long as I watch the fat and make sure he exercises, he can be a baby on formula as much as he wants. He did munch on a pellet soaked in diluted grape juice, but this was after the mash and fruit. I love going produce shopping for my babies, they do enjoy their meals.



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Well we've decided to change Morgan's name from Captain Morgan to Bottomless Pit!


We are still handfeeding twice a day but the amount of formula taken has decreased dramatically. Seems I'm not up and ready to feed him at 6:30 when the sun just starts peeking into my office and he's found a ready supply of pellets available to eat. I know this because I was getting worried so I hooked up the webcam to watch. That little bugger has decided that Harrison's is pretty good stuff (especially since there's a mix of dried fruit, veggies and seed in there!). This morning his bowl was over half empty and he barely touched his formula. He's up 3 grams since I brought him home so I know he's doing well on the weight, now to maintain.


Activity wise - Morgan is flying across the room with good skills. Very active on his cage and the playstands and interacting well with Beau. They preen each other on occassion. He's discovered shreddable paper (aka index cards - we all do our own paperwork around here) and cardboard bagels. Leather is still the most interesting toy for him though. Morgan is not especially fond of the conures, but then again, none of the "larger" birds are. Seems those little daredevils like to fly and make a lot of noise. Morgan and Dixie haven't interacted much at all, I don't expect that to happen. Dixie keeps everyone in line so we have no problems with her - she squawks at them and they all straighten up...lol.


Sarah (my daughter) is desperately trying to find a pirate outfit for herself for Halloween, she claims that Morgan is a pirates parrot and wants him to be her "accessory" - of course I putting a resounding NO on this decision, but for in the house she can be a pirate all she wants. She especially loves his little "pants" (feathers) around his legs. She keeps trying to teach him pirate talk. He's probably going to be fluent.


In the 3 weeks that Morgan has been with us he's gone from saying "hello" and "out" with imagination used to understand them to "hello" and "out" very clearly. Hint to Beau - take lessons.


I will say - Morgan is a joy. I didn't think I would have fallen in love with another bird the way I did Dixie and Beau, but Morgan has captured my heart as well!

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Morgan, I mean "Bottomless Pit" is gorgeous Robin, no wonder you have fallen head over heels, thats great to hear he has a voracious appetite and eating Harrisons pellets to boot, what a joy he has brought to you, thanks for sharing a couple of pics of the handsome fella with us.

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Welcome to the forum and what a beauty Morgan is, I'm loving his beautiful pink beak! With his feeding habits I went though a similar thing with Diego where he would only eat apple and melon but with the help from everyone here on this thread http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?190531-Can-anyone-help-me-to-understand-what-Diego-is-trying-to-say-to-me Diego now eats everything and anything!


The only issue I have now with him is that he does not eat when he is outside of his cage as he is far too busy exploring to eat, so I just pop him back in his cage for his meals. Once inside and not distracted he will tuck into pretty much any veggies that I give him, apart from Spinach.


Be prepared for a lot of fun and laughter with having a Zon in the house, there is something magical about their cheeky, strong minded stubbornness and forever wanting to entertain you personalities that is addictive :)

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Goodness Me!! I turn my back for a few moments and look what happens! I am steadily working my way through the posts and "stumbled" on this one!! Robin, you are one hell of a lady! As you know, I couldn't even imagine having two - never mind nine!!!


Absolutely gorgeous!! Looking forward to hearing more about him! Jill xx

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