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What Age did your Grey Start to Talk?


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Charlie is the talker out of my three, he never stops from the moment he wakes up! He started talking when he was about a year old.


Keeko who is 9 months has just started talking properly now, he tends to say a lot of the things that Charlie does, he did say his first word at about 5 months though.


Thats funny Sheila, my Charlie whistles Marching on together, as our boys support Leeds United! Its so funny what they learn.

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Indy didnt start with a word she went straight on to a phrase and she said "not da mama" at 6 months old and she says hello.


Ice is 4 years old and talked the very first day we got him home and he hasnt shut up yet. He has a large vocab but likes to make up tunes as he whistles.

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Charlie is about four and half mths old. He says pretty bird, barks, and whines like a dog. but he only did it a few times but when he did the pretty bird saying he did it all day and just does it every so often now. I thought the other day he said Snoopy which is our dogs name, but I wasnt quite sure he did say it and havent heard it since.


but when he chatters he will chatter for about an hour or two, non stop..


Thank you for asking the question. I am curious for the replies also.. I talk to him all the time and am hoping he is a talker, but in the two weeks we have had him he is a permenant addition to the family regardless, even Snoopy likes him.

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We just adopted Gregory, our TAG, who is believed to be about 2 or 2 and a half years old (his former owner passed away, so we are not exactly sure when he was born).


Gregory doesn't talk, but he makes what we call duck sounds. It seems that in most people's experience, their grays start talking around 5-6 months.


Is Gregory beyond the talking age? It's ok with us if he doesnt speak.. we're just curious :)


-Christine and Michael

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We got Molly three weeks ago and she is 6 months old. She was talking the day after we brought her home saying Molly and she now says hello as well. She is trying to say other things but its just coming out at sound at the moment. She whistles all the time and she makes gulping noises , a clicking tongue and a really strange noise we can't work out what it is.

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Lyric is now over 2 years old and doesn't talk. He whistles great and makes up his own songs sometimes too. Sometimes he kind of whistles something with the same rhythm of words I say to him and I wonder if this is his way of talking or if he's still trying to work it all out. I don't know but either way I love him, talk or no talk. I do have to admit I get a little jealous when I hear others on here talking about all the great things their birds say! I have 10 birds and only one of them can talk- a Pacific Parrotlet that says "pretty bird" "Sparky" "Come 'ere" and laughs just like me. I really don't quite understand it because I do talk to my birds a lot, explain to them what I'm doing and talk sometimes with excitement and inflection in my voice.... oh well, maybe one day Lyric will surprise me...til then I'll just be happy with his songs and kisses.

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Guest Skuffy

I got Scooby on the 17thSeptember..He was 2yrs old on NEW YEARS DAY..When i got him,he was all scruffy from living in a garden shed, and could only mumble Hello..Since being with me he can now say hello,,C`mon,,whistles like a Crazy fool:woohoo: Shouts WHAT! 0i what you doin...Beleave me hes active from 7:45am till Bed time 10pm...This Bird Never shuts up..Nothing like MAx was,,He slept after his dinner...lolololololol..He's driving us all crazy but we love him to bits...{Nature-00020095}

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