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What Age did your Grey Start to Talk?


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I thought this would be interesting to see the varying ages that our greys started to talk. I know the range can be anywhere from 4 months - 18 months. I'm curious what the norm is, if there is one.


Talon started at 4 1/2 months. :cheer:

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Guest briansmum

great topic talon, very interesting :)


Brian said hello for the first time when he was about 5 months, we've had a few more since then.

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I don't know, since Nikko was 4 years old when I adopted her. The sad thing is, she doesn't talk as much as she used to. She used to be quite the chatterbox, but now she usually only says, "Good morning" when she wants up, "Good night" when she wants to go to bed, "Eat your food" when she's hungry, and "Hello" when she wonders where everyone is. She's been this way for several months. I think maybe we're too quiet of a family, so she's quiet too :dry:.

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Hmmmmm, Dayo through a fit 2 weeks ago when Kim took him out of the cage, kissed him and put him back in immediately.


During his fit of head bobbing, claws grabbing leather strips, walking back and fourth flapping his wings, We both could have sworn during all the noises we had never heard before a 1) distant dog bark 2) Uh Oh - which I say everytime he loses his balance.


He has not made any of those noises since, nor has he thrown a fit since....


He was 15 weeks old then....weird. He's just back to baby chirps, somekind of "cluck cluck" when you start scratching him and that's it.<br><br>Post edited by: danmcq, at: 2007/08/22 16:41

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  • 11 months later...

My TAG is just starting to try and make out words now (4.5 months) She says uh oh a lot when she goes poop (I wish I could get her to say that before she goes, also she has been doing that since 3 months old) but just today I heard the first "pretty bird" and a tst, tst sound we make when we call our cats, then she makes a laughing sound right after she tries to call the cat...

I really think she knows that sound will call the cats too.

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Rigel started at around 4 months. His "hello" was fairly clear, but a lot of other words were garbled. You could usually count the syllables and know that he was on target. Of course, it didn't help that one of the words was "Cheerio". His vocabulary is much larger now that he's over a year old, but not everything is that clear.


My second grey is just under 5 months and hasn't really said much. At 13 weeks she would say "ut-oh" if she or something fell, but she's gradually stopped. It was something she learned from the breeder's flock.

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Ace is 4 months and he is using his voice, a lot. My daughter swears he has said pretty bird. I can hear how he is trying to mimic but he hasnt said anything really well yet, that I have heard anyway. Im trying not to get too excited about him talking because I know some never will, and I didnt expect him to when I got him, but Im starting to get a little excited thinking he may :) He is always making different noises and it seems like he is trying to talk and mimic.

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Mati was talking early, I brought her home at six months and she learned "hello", "what are you doing?" and just a few other words right away, but after her first birthday she became a chatter box. She is learning new words every day and new ways to put words together. She understands alot of what she says, but she loves to hear herself talk.

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When I got Tyco she was 4 years old and could only say a couple things like fresh water and good morning most of her vocabulary was from what she heard from the window of the room where she was locked in her little cage with no human interation so she could make the sound of the garbage truck backing up and cats fighting car noises like honking so If that talking I don't know when she really started all I know is since she came to live with me her vocabulry has exploded and she says well over 500 words and phrases she talk like we do always in context and very clear Mind you I've taught her like you would teach a child if I give her something I tell her what it is what it does and I talk all day to her telling her what I'm going toso where I'm going just like you would a child she learns things so quickly it really quite amazing so to me she didn't really start talking until she was 4 years old

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Well not exactly sure but Zuri is a TAG and when i began visiting him he was 6 months old and he had hello and the phone ring at the store down and began talking right away when he got settled when i brought him home so im guessing around then.

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Well not exactly sure but Zuri is a TAG and when i began visiting him he was 6 months old and he had hello and the phone ring at the store down and began talking right away when he got settled when i brought him home so im guessing around then.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maxi first said "Step up" at about 11 months - for a few days, it sounded like "Puppup", but soon became quite clear. What's interesting is that she really only seems to say it when she actually wants to step up: that foot is usually wagging at me at the same time. :) She'll sometimes say "hello", and recently uttered a very soft but very clear "I love you" a couple of times - always together with smooching kissy-noises. She's also working on several things with more than eight syllables, but I can't tell what they are yet! One of my favorite experssions of hers is "Woo!" - too cute.


I was interested to hear about Spookyhurst's experience of her bird talking less than before - Max seems to pick up sounds and then drop them too.

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Ponti was already using her voice and saying things like "hello" when we got her around 5 months old, and within the first week she barked like our pomeranean, beeped like the microwave, said "Buddy! go outside and go potty!", and "you're so pretty"


By 9 months old, she was a chatterbox. It is always entertaining to hear her start to say something new, sometimes, it comes out clear as a bell, other times you can hear syllables and the general sound of the word and she works it out and clears it up with time. One of the early things she said was to make smooching/kissey sounds and follow it up with "kissy kissy kissy!"....except when she first started saying it, she had a hard time getting the K's out right and it sounded a lot more like "pussy pussy pussy!" but it got clearer with time.


Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/08/22 19:25<br><br>Post edited by: matt314159, at: 2008/08/22 19:25

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BoBo our 6 month old CAG said Hello his first and only time at 4 1/2 months. Now he says BoBo Pretty Bird,, Bird, and BoBo. It is clear what he is saying but not always fully or correctly pronounced, but anyone who heard him would be able to understand. We have kept to just a few phrases or words so we do not confuse him.

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  • 3 months later...

Our Tizzy is now 4 and half months and has been clucking and wolf whistling since we got him 3 weeks ago. In the last 4 or 5 days he has mastered the kissing noise very well. As he growls alot I always call him a Growler when he growls. Last night he said GROWLER loud and clear.

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Schroeder is 1 1/2 and doesnt talk. He doesnt make any human sounding gibberish noises either. He poops real good though, and he whistles a lot, though it is difficult to teach him new whistles.... Don't even bring up the things we had to do to get him to learn the queen of the night aria.

On another note, we have a friend with a TAG that didnt say a word till he was over 13. That's right, I said it, thirteen yearls old. He came home from work one day and his wife was in shock. She is home with him every day and he had never said anything, she took him in the shower for a bath and he busted out al sorts of phrases. It was like he had been storing up 13 years of language info and released all of it like an atomic bomb. He has not shut up since. I know this is the exception to the rule, but it gives me hope that one day, in the very distant future, Schroeder will be able to muster a "hi!"

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WOW! What a story. That's amazing. I hope one day soon Schroeder will surprise you too! Talon's first word was Peekaboo! She loves the sound of how we accented every syllable!

You may already know this, but birds in general LOVE it when words are said with extreme excitement and feeling. That's why they tend to pick up the "bad" words so quickly when people tend to get mad and start swearing...:S

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One more thing.....Rikki my other grey didn't talk a lot in the beginning, but her first words were of us yelling our dogs name, "Cody! Get down!" when he would get on the table to clean up the mess our birds made when they have their toast in the am. :P :P

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Charlie started talking between 10-12 months,if his age is right. I got him at 7 months old but I only have his previous owners word for that. Mind you he has not shut up since,unless anyone visits and then he is either very quiet ir just repeats one phrase,usually "hello there, how are you". He can say lots of things.He whistles the theme to z cars,our lads are evertonians and that was a must for him to learn. Cracker my tiel started talking at about 8-9 weeks old and can say a lot to things Charlie can.

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