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Favorite Toys


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Good morning everyone!


Well, it finally happened.. *whispers* Sully broke Mr. Bunny.

Mr. Bunny was Sully's yellow plastic bunny...thing. He is devistated. He is carrying around his little ear... :(

I have ordered 4 new Mr. Bunny's.. two in yellow, and one in red and one in green. Let's hope He is accepting ;)

Does anyone elses grey have a favorite toy? I thought it would be fun to share :)


This is Sullivan with Mr. Bunny when we first recieved Mr. Bunny in the mail.


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OMG this is the first of many such devastations of toys by Sully so learn to live with it, I count such toys as successes and at least you know what kind he likes so you buy more which you did, why don't you go have a funeral for it, PMSL

I guess Josey's favorite toy is the big bell that hangs in her cage, she loves that thing and grabs the chain holding it and lets go to listen to the noise it makes, I hate to think what would happen if she didn't have it in her cage to bang around, might not be pretty!

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I'm trying to change it up so that he doesn't have a favorite. I have found that he needs a day to get used to anything new. He actually does have a favorite and it's a foot toy that I don't leave in his cage. It's one of the things that I use as a "distractor" when I need it. It has wood, leather strings and little beads that look like pacifiers. It's so cute! I'll have to get a picture tomorrow.

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Well the first day without Mr. Bunny didn't go so well! Remind me to keep 10 on hand JUST IN CASE! Lol.

He has destroyed many toys, but he seems to feel personally responsible for Mr. Bunny's demise. He's carrying around that ear still. :sigh: it's kind of funny though :)


Sully also has a favorite foot toy. It's 5 blocks of wood on a leather string. I too keep it out of the cage so when I need to distract him while he's out, I can give it to him, and he becomes a busy bee trying to untie the knot :)

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Sully will develop many favorites as time progresses. At such a young age, yes they normally have "One Favorite". When Dayo was that young, his was also a small knotted rope foot toy with small wooden blocks on it. They do love untying knots. With ropes it's a little harder for them because he knots are large. I have pieces of leather about 12 inches long that I tie many knots in and he loves grabbing it and untying them all. The I just tie a bunch of knots in it again. :)


As they age and gain confidence and coordination, they have favorite larger toys as well., like Judy said. Dayo also has several large bell toys hanging from chain suspended around the house and in his cage. He likes nothing better than to bash them around and also hang from them as he flaps his wings, attacks it and spins in circles for a while. :P Theo f course, there are all the various types of wooden chew toys you can make or buy. They love destroying them.

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I've been making toys for sometime now, but it's mostly for my conures and lovies... because a lot of them contain plastics which just do not hold up very long in Sully's cage.. SO, i FINALLY broke down and bought a 25 lb case of random wood shapes and pieces so I could make a whole bunch of Sully toys. I'm really hoping he likes them because he hasn't really been exposed to a lot of wood yet ( i know, i know... bad me.. but up until a couple of months ago- he wasn't playing with any toys at all! probably because I had him out all the time : / ) Anyway.. we'll see how it goes :) I found a few sites that have ideas for making toys and I'll probably copy them til I see what he likes :)

BTW Dan- Good idea about the leather! I may go and tie a whole buncha knots for Sully!

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I have to add another vote to the bell thing. Moussa loves his big bell and bangs that thing incessantly when he wants out of the cage.


Other favorites are the hanging boings and perches in the bird room that I've got hanging from the ceiling. He loves to climb on those things and flap and scream at the toys hanging in the boings. He doesn't get to play on them except late in the evening when the cockatoo is in her cage ('cause she doesn't like him), so it's a real treat that he gets really excited about.

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Perhaps I'll get Sully a BIG bell. I've seen them on Ebay, the ones that look like wind chime bells. They are supposed to be the safest and most indestructable bells available... yeah. We'll see :)


She- I have seen that box! I thought that it may be easy to break... How does Charlie do with them? Has he gone through many?


Thank you Coral :) Sully only plays with certain toys in his cage. One that I made (that makes me feel good :) ) and one made of those baby links... Now that I think about it, perhaps he doesn't have enough... he only has those two and a couple others that he's never really found interesting. I'll switch them out for some new ones today :)

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