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The war with fleas!!!!


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Well, now the Advantage seems to be doing the job....I don't notice any more fleas on anyone.

I have to vacuum up the salt now since I just noticed that my older dog is licking it ALL up!!! This morning I refilled her water dish again and I just did it last night. She peed like a gallon of pee and I was starting to wonder about that when she came in and laid down in the dining room and started licking the carpet. UGH.

There is a lot less salt everywhere too.....:(

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all,


I've been skimming this thread and just want to add my two cents, if that's all right. :)


We use Borax (the boric acid laundry booster) annually to get rid of any fleas that may be living in our carpet. We have a dog and three cats besides the parrots, so you know this is necessary! Anyway, this is what you do:


You take the Borax and sprinkle it somewhat heavily all around on your carpet. Then, take a DRY scrub brush and brush the Borax deep into the carpet. Leave it on your rugs for a minimum of three days so that it has the time to kill the fleas/eggs and fall down to the bottom of the carpet (obviously you will have to walk on the dry Borax during this time, but it is not harmful to pets like dogs and cats--don't know about parrots though, now that I think about it, I haven't had to do it since we adopted the parrots).


After at least three days, vacuum up the Borax from the rug. Enough will have settled down deep into the rug by that time that what remains will last about a year to kill any fleas that may wander in during that time period. We personally have found this method very successful, but admittedly you will have to put up with walking on Borax for a few days for it to work properly. I've found that when my hubby goes on his summer camping trips and such is a good time for me to do it--I can tolerate the grit beneath my feet and then it's gone by the time he comes home!


Anyway, I just thought the suggestion might be of help to someone. Flea infestations are NO FUN but they can be eradicated with time and effort and less money than most people realize. ;)


P.S.--I just glanced up to the post above me and, to the original poster, I'm glad your flea problem seems to be quite diminished, even if your dog has been helping herself too much to the 'yummy sodium' in the rug!

Edited by MarcusCAG
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