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I found my feathered friend :)


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Hey everyone,


It's been a while... once again life has thrown me a curveball.


Yesterday while I was at work, my manager came up to me and asked me if I was still looking for a bird, and of course I said yes. My manager put me in contact with the veterinarian that comes to our store weekly.


So I call the vet on my lunch break and she tells me about this Green Cheek Conure that has a color mutation so it's a cinnamon colored one... Anywho, the little guy(not sexed, just assumed) is 3 months old and someone brought him in to her to euthanize him due to a birth defect... The defect isn't even severe, one of the birds legs doesn't work and can't be used properly. I may end up having it amputated in the future.


And so the vet asked me if I wanted the little guy... and so I told her I would love to take him.


I got him home last night and in his cage all set up by about 10:30... I threw a couple of pieces of millet in there and he seems to be doing just fine!


I ended up naming him Skip because he kind of hops around on one foot due to the birth defect


I'll do my best to get pictures up asap

Edited by iEgg
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Skip is doing fine... He's chowing down on millet and his regular food... However I notice he doesn't really stand on his perches... He has 3 different kinds in there. One is natural grapevine, another is a plastic sand perch and the last one is natural wood with have a coconut shell bolted on the end serving as a bowl. All the perches are placed a few inches above the floor of his cage including his "Happy Hut" which actually rests on the floor of the cage and he won't use any of it. He started to chew/shred one of his toys I bought, although 90% of the time I see him, he climbs up as high as he can and just hangs onto the bars... I'm pretty sure he even sleeps this way (or at least it seemed that way)


I'll need all the help and advice I can get to accommodate things for Skip


Thanks again :)




I should also mention that after looking closer, it seems both his feet are deformed... however I'm guessing that his "good" leg ended up going crooked from adapting to having his bad leg

Edited by iEgg
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Skip is doing fine... He's chowing down on millet and his regular food... However I notice he doesn't really stand on his perches... He has 3 different kinds in there. One is natural grapevine, another is a plastic sand perch and the last one is natural wood with have a coconut shell bolted on the end serving as a bowl. All the perches are placed a few inches above the floor of his cage including his "Happy Hut" which actually rests on the floor of the cage and he won't use any of it. He started to chew/shred one of his toys I bought, although 90% of the time I see him, he climbs up as high as he can and just hangs onto the bars... I'm pretty sure he even sleeps this way (or at least it seemed that way)


I'll need all the help and advice I can get to accommodate things for Skip


Thanks again :)





I should also mention that after looking closer, it seems both his feet are deformed... however I'm guessing that his "good" leg ended up going crooked from adapting to having his bad leg


The only other thing that I can think of is a rope perch. That was the recommendation from the breeder of my bird. I have other perches as well but he prefers the rope. (Probably because that is what he is used to) It might help with a bird who needs something to grip into though.

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This is really great. Please inspect the inside of you Happy Hut often, They have a bad habit of unraveling, allowing the bird to become entangled. When it becomes to ragged or to many loose treads, toss it...As the others have said, our GC's love there rope perch....Thanks Jay

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He's going to instinctively go as high as he can, especially until he feels comfortable. If he's not having any problems with falling, then there doesn't seem like there's a reason to keep from setting his perches up higher in the cage. Maybe put some cushioning at the bottom until you're sure, though.


If he is falling, then it might be a better idea if you got him a long, low cage. You would be able to set the branches high in the cage but that won't be very far off the floor.


I had an ancient tiel that started having problems getting around. I didn't have the heart to move him as he'd been in his cage for so long. I thought it would upset him. I got very branchy smaller diameter branches with a whole lot of little ends. I set them all around his big cage so he could climb everywhere using both his feet & beak. He could also find very secure footholds & cradles to roost. That might work well for you. I did leave the bottom open so he could stretch his wings. He'd grab hold of the grate to do his flying exercises.


He might also do well with a boing or a ladder. These would also allow him to use his beak to help him get around.


It's really great to hear that you've found each other. Congratulations!! Looking forward to hearing about your adventures together.

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He's proven himself to be a very "beaky" bird... and by that I mean he bites a lot... I'm trying to cope with the pain but once in a while he bites a tender area on my finger and I end up reacting... Do I have to worry about the eye-level thing with this bird?

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My sun conure sleeps in one of those sleep tents and it might prove helpful to your conure and I have to echo Birdhouse's idea of getting a different kind of cage for him, one of those low and long so he can only climb so high since he has a deformity.

I would imagine he is still a little fearful right now and is biting in reaction to that and because he is handicapped he is using his beak to "feel" things out so bear with him for right now as he comes to trust you but you have my utmost admiration for giving this little fella a home and doing what it takes to make his life as happy as it can be.

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*sigh* I made an oops... Tonight after I got home from work, I went to take Skip out of his cage and he lunged towards my hand and I instinctively pulled away... and now he does that every time my hand or fingers go near him :/

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Thanks everyone for the encouragement I do appreciate it :)


I just want to do the best I can for this bird and hopefully do everything right the first time... When I'm handling him, is there anything specific I should do or try to do? How much time should I spend with him each day?


I think I still have a lot to learn about and from this little guy

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I just want to do the best I can for this bird and hopefully do everything right the first time...


... so, no pressure, huh? ;)


It's awesome to want it, but impossible to achieve it. You'll learn a lot from your mistakes. I think you've got good instincts. I know you've got good intentions & that's a very good combination.


Ease into things with him. Don't force the issue, especially unnecessarily. Let him come out on his own, for instance. You can get him a ladder if he's having problems climbing out. Spending time with him doesn't mean always handling him. Hand feed him treats. Hang with him. Do things near him. Talk &/or sing to him from across the room. Find out what makes him want you around.


When he lunges at you, he's telling you haven't to earn the right for him to trust you enough to handle him. And he's going to need some extra assurances from you because he's handicapped.


Just a couple of days ago, he was a dead bird walking. Don't think he didn't sense that he was in danger. It's going to take time for him to get over that. He's the only one who can tell you how much time it will take.

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Today I stopped in at work, there was a large bag of papaya bits and banana chips on clearance so I bought them. Skip definitely loves the banana chips. I used those to lure him out of his cage and climbing on to my open palm... When I was letting him eat his treat on my bed, every time he'd take a bite, I pulled forward and said "step up" as he attempts to climb on/across my finger. Am I doing that right?


Today more progress has shown with him, he started shredding and pulling apart 3 different toys for a good hour or so... Seeing all this activity from him is getting me excited :D

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Here are some pictures of Skip



Front picture




Action shot on his toy :)




And here's his whole cage... It's tall and he seems to like it and is getting used to it




Hahaha I swear to you, as I write this post...


I left skips upper door open if he wanted to climb on top of his cage, and I looked over, and he's sitting there on the lip of the door. The next thing I knew I heard flapping and he flew from his cage to my bed! That's about a good 6-7' of gliding!! Then after that I had to congratulate him and pet him for a while because I was so amazed.


Anyway, hope you love Skip as much as I do :)

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Sounds like things with your very adorable little Skip are going in a very good direction! I think flying around will help to empower him & that's very good. It will give him exercise, & that's very good. It will give him a reason to get banana chips & loved up. Oh, yeah, all good!!

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