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Babalu's first boing/bungee


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All our birds like the boings. Moussa the grey has one in his cage, just like the other birds. I think of them like a stairway they can use to get from one level to another in the cage,as well as a comfy perch.


I also have some boings and other hanging toys hanging from the ceiling in the bird room. Moussa loves to go in there and climb and play. Unfortunately, I only let him play in there when the cockatoo is not loose in the room, as she will fly at him and attack him. (I'm hoping that, with time, they will get along better.) In the meantime, we are planning to set up Moussa's own hanging play gym in the living area of the house, where he lives.

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I think of them like a stairway they can use to get from one level to another in the cage,as well as a comfy perch.



Same here. My guys spend a lot of time on theirs. Phenix plays on his & also acts like it's his roost. He likes to hang out on the back of it when he wants some alone time.

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Georgia ... doesnt seem that bothered with it at the moment lol


Phenix boing was in his cage for 6 months before he'd go near it on the floor of the cage to play with the bell. I did the dance of joy when I found him actually sitting on it, well clinging to it a couple of months after that. He loves it now. but it took him about 8 months to get there.

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oh right, i heard a noise from the bell this morning but i couldn't see cause he was covered up - could of knocked it with her tail i guess lol

im guessing Georgia may be like Phenix then and take a while for her to go on it, ill be so happy when she does, cause i was in such a rush to get her one :D lol

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Matt made this huge (too big if you ask me!) PVC stand a while ago. We took an extra piece of PVC and extended it up with an arm parallel to the stand so we could hang toys from it and we hang Maggie's boing from it. She loves it because she can run/climb up and down the boing to get up and down from her perch. She also likes to antagonize the dogs this way, trying to lure them in close enough to bite them (all under close supervision of course).

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