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Kopi is in the hospital


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Although this is truly a sad situation, I just wanna commend you on the strength and perserverence and determination you showed. Any bird around would be very lucky to have you as an owner.

Keep your chin up. Believe it or not, tommorrow is a new day and soon, you'll move forward. You're a strong person and you did all you could and we're all proud of you.


Everyone's here for you


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Dee I am so sorry to hear of the loss of Kopi, he was a fighter but the battle proved to be too much and now he is with his brother. You have been an inspiration to us all and I don't know how you handled it as well as you did, Dave is right you are a strong woman for it takes a lot to be handed what you had and to keep such good spirits, we all could take a lesson from you.

I know your heart is breaking now but you do have many friends here who will help or assist you with anything you need but be assured that neither Juno or Kopi will ever be forgotten.

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I'm in tears right now. I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful baby. Bless you for your strength and willingness to fight alongside with your birds. I always looked forward to a positive update on how Kopi was doing, and it always lifted my spirits, for he was a part of our little family here. You will be in my prayers, and I hope you will find comfort in knowing that your fids were so well loved and had nothing but the best.

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Dee, you have my condolences and celebration as well since this was a win-win for Kopi, Juno and you in sharing each others lifes, love and happiness together. They could have not had better home and life than they did with you.


You are a special person Dee and the world, humans and all critters are better off with your loving care in dark times, it makes the light shine through. I look forward to hearing from you again, once this grieving time has passed and the next journey begins.

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How sad and difficult all this is for you and even for us sharing his story on the board. You do have the comfort of giving them both happy lives and knowing you did all that medicine and heart knew to do for them both. Take some time to heal that hole in your heart and hope to see you back on board later, your advice for others who may face some of these same challenges would be most welcome.

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If love could conquer all, your blessings have lifted me to where I needed to be when I needed to be there. I read and rejoice with every happy story and song here on the forum and I have made friends across the world. I will figure out where I fit in to the mystery of this illness and find a way to make a difference. If I can not care for a bird in my home today, I will care for the birds in all of your homes. If I can not do the research myself, I will encourage and lift up the researchers and show them the human face that puts hope in them for developing a vaccine. Last night Java was making the sounds of a grey. She was really out of sorts with me and promises to keep me busy while this is processed. The sadness will fade and the rewards will always warm my heart. You are all part of my rewards and I will stay with the forum. We just never know what tomorrow brings, I will keep an open mind and the door doesn't close, it just gives us incentive to find a different path. My path is not troubled, I just need to look around from the mountain top and blaze a new trail for whatever is in our future. I hear Marguerite singing "just breathe" and that is all I need to do for a short time and everything is going to be better than okay.

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My path is not troubled, I just need to look around from the mountain top and blaze a new trail for whatever is in our future. I hear Marguerite singing "just breathe" and that is all I need to do for a short time and everything is going to be better than okay.


What a wonderful outlook Dee, it is what makes you the wonderful person you are. :)

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