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Kopi is in the hospital


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I have never been so happy to see a messy face.We have come a long way since Monday morning. He came right out of his cage tonight and took his medicine like a champ. It was easier than I expected and in fact it was harder to entice him to come out of his cage than it was to give him two doses of meds. He is eating heartily. He is still very weak, but his vets and I are amazed to see him making progress in just two days. We have a week to keep watching him and not worry about numbers or long names of bad things that I can't even pronounce. Even though he is quiet and obviously still very ill, it sure beats the silence of an empty cage. Thanks for your support and encouragement, I feel like we have had a small miracle.

bean beak.jpg

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Yippee, Kopi is home and doing ok for now, yes he is much better off in his own home where his family can watch over him and give him the love he so deserves, we are all pulling for him to make a full recovery, bless him and bless you Dee, you have a heart of gold. Love that messy beak pic.

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So far so good. Regardless of what we are facing long term, Kopi is making progress. His weight is up ten grams from yesterday at the vet, he is eating, he is warm and cozy and calm. He is a little stronger today and protested with a little pinch when he was trying to hold his perch while I was trying to coax him out for his meds. I can not tell you how grateful I am that he will sit and take meds without being restrained. All of you are making it easier for me which keeps me where I need to be to care for him and I know he is better because of all your prayers and kind words.

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All of your caring thoughts and gestures lift us up and keep us moving forward. I see a tiny bit of improvement every time I get him out to give him his meds. This time he worked up the energy to resist a bit and even squawked at me. Every little bit of progress will take a new tactic, so he is going to keep me on his toes. Bless his little pea picking heart indeed. LOL. In the past hour, I have seen some more movement out of him, so we just keep seeing good signs. If this thing disappears without a diagnosis, I will be happy to keep it a mystery. The vet is indeed calling every day, so I can not set aside the big worries and technical stuff to him and just handle the little things one day at a time. Thank you all so much for being our guardian angels.

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I am at a loss for words. We had a downturn overnight and was at the vet with him when they opened this morning. He is home with me, seems stable. He is happy. His eyes are bright. He is doing all he can do. I hear all of your concern and it helps more than you know. I am hearing Margarite's song to Dorian telling me to just breathe. You are all such a comfort to us. On the outside Kopi is looking good. He is eating, drinking and doing all the right things. He climbed and hung upside down and sounds like he is trying to talk with a sore throat. He offers his head for a scratch and has the greatest attitude you can imagine. We put him on Harrison's recovery formula and are trying to keep his weight from dropping any more.

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I am happy to update we have not had any more of the signs that sent us to the vet this morning. I just got him out, gave him three syringes of meds without incident and he took a syringe of warm Harrison recovery formula. He is looking warm and happy on his perch. He is making his sleepy beak grinding noises and it is the first time I have seen him looking satisfied rather than crunching on pellets and compulsively eating. His spirits are up, he looks brighter and better than I have seen in a week. He really is working with me to help me take care of him. His attitude is amazing. Every kind word and thought from you all whether on this thread, or through your videos and posts have been a comfort and joy to me. This forum has a treasure trove of help and heart. Thanks so much.

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Greetings, Spock here...Kopi, you must get better...how will we ever get a chance to mind-meld if you do not get better? Don't tell anyone but I still enjoy my formula sometimes at night too...I hate my meds, especially when they had to give me a shot in the chest...not the type of thing a King should have to go through. We will NOT mention the stick they stuck up my...never mind that. I still love you even though you scared the @#%&* out of your momma. Get strong, keep up with your isometrics, flapping your wings, flexing your talons, Step Up, Step Down, Step Up, Step Down....


Live Long and Prosper

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