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Kopi is in the hospital


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Gee Whizz - I read these updates with my heart in my mouth!! It's just brilliant brilliant news to hear Kopi is feeling better enough to make a little mischief!!!

As the tech put him back on the exam table after taking blood, he started to make a run toward me, then turned back and asked her for a step up, leaned in against her then pushed away and skittered back to me..


LOLOL - what a great picture this painted - I can just imagine him!! Keep doing what you're doing Dee. xx

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One other thing, his grip is getting much stronger. When the vet took him gently in a towel to give him his shots, Dr. said "I have him, you can let go now" and he started to walk away. He was on one side of the table and I was across. Before I could say anything he started walking away and felt the resistance, assumed I was reluctant to let go and said again. "Let go, I've got him" I said, no, he's got me. Kopi had a death grip on my hand and he had to be pried off. My first thought was happiness that he had such a fierce grip. I did get a call that his white blood count is not where they would expect it to be, so we are keeping him on the antibiotic and returning to the vet again Wednesday. He is having a consult with the other "retired" avian certified vet in the practice. I couldn't ask for anything more from this vet practice, they have a lot of years of experience between them and work well together. Kopi is continuing to eat well and his weight is holding steady. Last night he didn't settle down when I covered his cage at bedtime. He came back out and had a long cuddle under a blanket and that is another magical moment for us. Thanks so much to all of you for keeping us in your heart.

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His weight is holding steady, he is eating on his own, and this morning he is into his bucket of toys and playing. When I wake up to this, it is going to be a good day. He is much more active today, just moving back and forth across his rope perch in the convalescent cage, not doing backflips or Cirque de Soleil moves just yet, but he promised to make it up to me when he is feeling better. I may try to move him back to a bigger cage today and see how he does with that. His favorite place is on the cage top and it might make him feel more like "home".

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We are doing the Kopidee two step at our house. He makes a move, I follow but like a treacherous cunning woman, I plot and plan so he makes his next step where I want it to be. LOL. He strongly discourages the antibiotic. Thankfully it is only once a day. I changed from putting it on a paper towel while I get him into position, to putting it on a paper plate, to hiding it under his fleece, to putting something he wants between me and his escape hatch so he must cross my path to give me the opportunity to quick like a bunny pounce, squirt and sigh. So far we haven't missed any dose, or spilled any or spit it out. For all the new people out there, please don't worry about your babies. We knew coming into this Kopi had surgeries and other indications that he is kind of a special needs case. Our encouraging signs are his feather condition is good again, his eyes are bright, he is climbing and hanging upside down again, this morning I heard a whoop when I was making his breakfast. He does have a subltle downward trend on his weight, but it could be a side effect of his meds. He is eating everything again and we are happy one day at a time.

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Tonight when I was getting his evening routine prepared, I heard a couple of whistles and couldn't tell for sure which bird was doing it, then I heard a real grey whoop and all doubt was removed. Kopi was calling out to me and it was such a joy. He is playing with toys, climbing and hanging upside down and generally just acting like he feels better. We still have a long way to go, more tests coming up on Wednesday. I can't rely on my memory, so I am writing everything down and will take a print out of his chart. He really has been sweet to take his meds. I can't blame his protests, but when it comes right down to it he does make it easy for me. Thanks for all of your kind words. This is our village that it takes to raise up a baby grey, and the grown up ones too. Without all of you sharing your experiences, your love of your birds, where you have gone and what you have done gives me strength, courage and hope. I really could not have dealt with all this calmly without all of your care and support.

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I ditto the village atmosphere here. There might be some ideas that don't work for everybody but all of the ideas and experiences are so helpful! And your updates are great, even the ones that were not postive. I really get upset being on message boards where someone brings up a problem with their baby and then they disappear and we never know what happens. I like being part of your experiences and glad that they are now all good!!!

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katana, I got to this thread late, but am so glad to have read through it and see that Kopi is doing sooo much better! What a relief, and as many have said, may the results be better and better. Healthy vibes coming his way!

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Our good news has been short lived. Kopi was dealing with a secondary infection and we were treating that and it looked like he was making progress. I can't talk about details right now, but Kopi is at peace and is with his brother Juno and my house is bereft. He also had PDD after all and he just managed to fight it off longer than his brother. They are flying free together now and will keep each other company and they will always grace my heart with their love and spirit. I know you are all going to be feeling the shock that our family is feeling right now. Just know, I have no regrets. If I had foresight I would have still chosen to bring both these little boys home and give them the love they deserved. It is really hard right now, but the joys of meeting all of you and getting to have friends in the forum has been a blessing in my life. We may not know the reasons but this is where we are meant to be right now. I will need a few days to accept the reality and final grey days in my house. This journey has been going on for me for almost a year and a half. He gave me his kisses and he stepped up sweetly to the vets and techs even when he was feeling his worst. Kopi and Juno were my very own brush with real angels. Thank you for sharing our journey and being my friend. I will be back soon.

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