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Kopi is in the hospital


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Kopi is open to Spock's mind meld. He seems stronger to be able to step up and when I took him out to offer him another feeding he accepted a little more formula and even had the energy to explore the top of the counter on the island. He flapped his wings and tried climbing up to his favorite spot holding my hand and leaning against me. What a difference twelve hours can make. We seem to have an arsenal of medicine and formula, good bacteria to augment the antibiotics and if his spirit and will are an indication, we are making headway. We will keep our chins and his little beak up, tomorrow is a better day. Good night friends.

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It is a good morning. Kopi had a modest weight gain of just 6 grams but that sure beats a 30 gram drop from the previous morning. He is feeling well enough to flap his wings this morning, his grip is a bit stronger and he is willingly taking the recovery formula and all his meds. He is taking a little interest in playing with a birdie bagel and took a button off my phone, so his curiosity and spirit is strong this morning. I will take any progress I can get. He is a fighter, he has the best attitude. I have learned to be in the moment, do all I can do and leave the future and the past to take care of themselves. We will have some tests repeated Wednesday and I will let the vet handle the numbers and guide our medical progress and just love every little step our boy makes toward a better day.

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We have had a good night and good morning. When I got him ready for his meds and formula feeding this morning he spoke and said "good" as he was willing to step up and come to the kitchen. If looks and attitude could carry the day, we are making steady improvements. His weight is down a little at 386, ten grams down from his morning weight yesterday. He is drinking a lot of water and flushing his system and his output has a strong antibiotic odor. I weighed his liner yesterday and his output was 86 grams in four hours. I think that is mostly water though and am recording everything. It means so much for his vet to be calling every day and keeping tabs on us. Kopi has such a good attitude and he was willing to climb around this morning and is showing interest in playing a little too. I can't ask for anything more, it is reward in itself to see him trying so hard. He even let David walk around in the kitchen this morning with us without protesting or giving him the stink eye. I told Kopi to be nice to daddy, he is the one paying the vet. LOL.

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He even let David walk around in the kitchen this morning with us without protesting or giving him the stink eye. I told Kopi to be nice to daddy, he is the one paying the vet. LOL.


LOL!! Thanks for the update :) So glad to hear Kopi is speaking today!

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Dee I dont get much chance at all to come on the forum,thats another story lol but I think of you lot daily and was sad to read how ill Kopi has been. I hope he continues on the road to recovery and rest assured,though I may not be around I will be think ing of you.

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Tonight at meds time, I had to restrain Kopi. He recognizes the antibiotic and he doesn't like it. He is still sweet while he protests but this time I had to chase him all over the countertop. I would say he is feeling pretty good. I know it would be more efficient if I toweled him and gave him the recovery formula, but since he likes it, I let him come to me and he takes it willingly from the syringe, but not without a little drama. I lost a button, got bruised by a pinch that would have gotten some other hapless fellow a slap in the face. Poor form Kopi. If I am not supposed to touch you below the neckline, the same rule goes for mama. My kitchen looks like the aftermath of a food fight in a middle school cafeteria. He flung food on the ceiling, it is in my hair and up my nose. I swear I could see a smile on his face the whole time. Me too except for that pinching business. LOL. I am glad to see he is having a little fun. He upset the scales, pushed things around on the countertop and had me moving the whole time trying to keep up with him with a paper towel. In the past week, we were dispatching these duties in about ten minutes and it took forty five minutes this time, but I am so happy to see him getting his energy back that he could have driven my car if he wanted to. LOL. Thanks so much for all your kindness and for sticking with us, I hope this goes away like a bad dream. I am well aware of his tests and history, it is keeping me cautiously optimistic. He certainly is worth the efforts.

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Still good news. His weight is up a modest 8 grams this morning. He is pushing away the recovery formula and making mischief. Last night we had an epic struggle getting the antibiotic down. He even bit off the end of the syringe. Tonight, I had a little talk with him first and he took it like a champ, no muss, no fuss, just down the hatch. He is flapping, climbing up on the scales by himself and just seems to be feeling better. I even put his bucket of foot toys in his "hospital" cage and right now he is in there dragging things out and playing for the first time in too long to think about it. His input/output seems more of his normal. We have a vet visit in the morning and will be home mid afternoon, but it will take a few days to get lab results.

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Well his spunkiness is certainly good to hear, yes it makes for more trouble getting the meds into him but it means he is feeling better and that makes my day, I hope this trend continues and he improves more and more every day, way to go Kopi for keeping mommy on her toes and good luck at the vet's office today.

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We had a good visit at the vet. Kopi is holding his weight, his red blood count is into the normal range, not quite as high as we would like but showing improvement. He had another iron injection, another vitamin injection and we will wait for the white blood count to decide how much longer to keep him on the antibiotic. His doctor is all smiles and says to keep doing everything exactly the way we have been. It is too soon to check his liver, but he said his poops look really good, well formed and we are heading in a positive trend. Kopi was so cooperative and sweet, but has a little more energy. As the tech put him back on the exam table after taking blood, he started to make a run toward me, then turned back and asked her for a step up, leaned in against her then pushed away and skittered back to me. He never made a peep or a fuss for his shots after we waited for labs to come back. Dr. Jason said, don't look backward, don't look forward, just keep doing exactly what we are doing and that is good enough for me. Life is good and we are happy. Thank you for all your support, it means more than you can possibly know.

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What a wonderful update and mental picture this visit to the vet gave me. I had a smile on my face the entire time I read it. :)


I love this statement " Dr. Jason said, don't look backward, don't look forward, just keep doing exactly what we are doing and that is good enough for me." Perfect!


Thanks for the continued updates on Kopi.

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Thanks Dee for the update after seeing the vet, yes you are doing exactly what you should be doing and it is working out for the best, you two make quite a team and that vet couldn't have said it better, that Kopi is a fighter but so are you, keep up the good work.

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