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Potty training for real???


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  • 2 months later...

I "sort of" potty trained Huey. First, I taught him what (yes, this sounds gross but it's the topic LOL) POO POO was. Once he correlated poo poo with going potty, I was able to tell him to go poo poo then I would take him out of his cage and he would do it.


I have a film somewhere of him outside his cage sitting on the door quietly...all off a sudden he goes "POO POO" and does it...then he says "GOOD BOY HUEY" it's a hoot. I'll have to find it and see if I can get it from a vhs tape to computer.

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  • 5 months later...

I have a question. Would putting a actual bowl or mini can in his cage be a good idea? Just used for pooping. Wheni notice he is about to do his business can i just put him over the bowl/can? would he get the idea and still go in his cage but, not really in his cage?

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I potty trained my bird without realizing that's what I was doing.I thought I was just talking to her. I would say "you go poopie" everytime Harrison would poop. Then she started saying it randomly. Then she linked it together and says it right before she poops. So, if I have her out, she most times will say "go poopie" and I put her on her perch and she poops...or if she hasn't gone in a while, I'll put her on her perch and tell her to go and she does. There are so many ways of doing it...

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