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Potty training for real???


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OK My little lady Zuri is more than I ever could have imagined as far as a pet bird goes. Truly, after having her for only about 2 months, I could not imagine life without her. Harness training is going well, she has become very comfortable with me, loves to shower, is saying a few words. Everything is progressing well... HOWEVER, I cannot believe how frequently the little thing poops (pardon the expression) Has anyone truly potty trained their bird, and how? I have found that within 30 seconds of taking her from her cage she will go. This may seem silly but I have been running her into the bathroom and telling her "poopie on the potty" and 9 times out of 10 she will in fact go into the toilet. I know there can be issues of drowning birds in toilets so everyone in the family has been instucted to keep the seat down. She seems to go every 20 minutes or so though, so I cannot be running her to the toilet every 20 minutes. Any ideas, suggestions? My family thinks I am just plain nuts! Maybe I am...

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They do go naturally about every 20 mins or so, that is normal. However, they can be "taught" to hold it until the appropriate place/time. It sounds like you are doing the right things, read her body language, take her to the desired place when she has to go and positively re-inforce when she goes on command. I am also working on this with Kip. She more or less goes on command, but has accidents. I too am working on this and not sure how else to proceed other than positive re-inforcement for the good behavior. B)

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Be carefull when doing that.

I have heard about birds that were trained to do it over a waste basket only to have it never poop on its own ever again.

Look for the signs and just move the bird when he gets ready. Mine grey well push back and lift her tail. I just move Que (my grey) away.

Or you could just put the bird down ever 15 min or so and always make sure she/he poops before you pick up.

I use to wear a cape thing I had made to keep poop off my cloths but after I got a better idea of the signs I stopped doing that.

And one last thing being pooped on is part of being owned by a parrot wear it with pride. lol

Good Luck

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Thanks for the reply, I searched the forum on potty training prior to posting and came up with nothing. Then once it posted I got a bunch of related posts attached with potty training tips ( and many ones with people bickering over the matter.) Anyway, does anyone know why my searches do not seem to be pulling up old posts? This is not the first time I have searched and come up with nothing and then I post and then up pops many old posts on exactly what I searched for prior. Just like I did not mind cleaning up after my twins poop- I really don't mind cleaning up hers. But if potty training is an option that will work- then I am all for it!

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My Spanky is "potty" trained, but not for the toilet.

Everytime he started to squat to poo, I'd say go poop, go poop, good boy. Now, he does it on command. I ask him to go before he perches on me, and he is ok for quite awhile, depending on when he last ate or drank.

30-45 minutes later, I take him to his stand or cage, and say go poop, and he does right away.

It's all a matter of reading your birds body language.

Even if we are out, I put him on my hand, stretch it out and say go poop, and he obeys.

As for the actual toilet, I wouldn't take the risk!

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Thank you for having me think about that. I guess it would be smarter to tell her to poopie in her cage prior to taking her out, or go in the potty when that is convienant, or go into a wastecan, or wherever it might be, at the time, so that she does not feel like it has to be always in one certain place. Makes sense... I don't want her to plug herself up when an option is not available....

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Josey will go over a trash can, I never took her to the toilet. But the only thing wrong with going on command is they could become dependent on your command to go potty and may not want to go until you give the command and if you are away for a while, it may cause them stress from holding it for so long.


And some will not go in their cages, and if you are late coming home one evening, they may stress out waiting for you to let them out so they can go.

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Wouldn't the Toilet be a rather bad place to teach them to go Poo?


What if, one day they decide to go on their own and fall in? I know most of you keep the lids down when the bird is out, but it seems to me that would be a place that should be reinforced as a "No Go" zone.

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Guest briansmum

i too am potty training, but i have chosen his cage as his toilet, as tari mentioned i've heard stories of people useing a wast paper basket, or a toilet etc and then the bird never "goes" unless it has access to one or it's human tells it to.


so i use his cage. when he does the usual butt wiggle, squating motion i pick him up, to interrupt him and pop him on a perch in his cage, i don't close the door so he doesn't confuse it with being "put away". then i say go poop and he usually does. i'm hopeing that in time when he needs to poop he will take himself to his perch without me asking :)

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Guest briansmum

i've read that too, but brians not bothered, he has a big cage and the distance between the grate and the poop tray is a good few inches so he doesn't know it's there once he's done it :lol: . i'd rather he learn to be comefortable going in his cage than not.


he's getting a new playstand soon, the nice people are just making it, when that comes i will use than instead of his cage :)

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All my birds are potty trained, but I'm not a stickler about it in that they can ONLY GO over a sink/garbage can etc. Like mentioned before some will wait until their parents take them to the bathroom to go, which is very bad for the bird! I just read their body language if I can tell they're gonna go I take them back to their cage. If I'm out in public etc, I hold them over a can!

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Ok after all the comments and much consideration I believe that you are right and that I should be enforcing that the toilet is a no no! So my potty training from now on will be in much safer places. We do keep the seats down in our house- but if we were visiting someplace, I guess I could not take that for granted. Thanks everyone for bringing me to my senses! I guess being a new bird owner the obvious is not always so obvious to me... I appreciate it!

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Guest briansmum

i like the toilet idea, it's cute and sanitary :lol: we just wouldnt want anyone to risk losing their birdie down there :S

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I have no idea if anyone trained this but Joey my amazon well not go on me.

I didn't relize this till one day I had him sitting on my belly/lap (ya Im a little over weight lol) that he had been on me for 45 min and not once did he poop.

I have had him almost 9 years and he was 18 when I got him and it has always been this way. And as far as I can tell he has no comand for pooping cause I have tried that.

Wonder if that was taught or self taught? Or maybe it is cause he is to buzy being cuddled and when I stop he is to buzy looking for ways to make me start again?

I'll never know.

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This one lady keeps hers around her always and she just uses news paper near her chair in her area she will remove bird form her sholder chair or where ever it is and hold it over news papaer say go potty for mama and it doe s or she started by saying potty when it went ptty then she added you went potty and it now knows what potty means and so when she says potty it will potty. so it took steps and chioces of words an d now bird understand potty is potty so it will go potty it relates new paper and her saying potty and then easy clean up she will roll t up and has a waste basket for it then no leaving room running here or there new papaers always on hand and no extra cost to use so.All I know it works for her that is what I saw from a that owner? Then after seeing her do it so easy when I am around I figured not a harsh method works will try myself? was thinking of teaching mine same word potty seems less rude around people not bird nuts as myself...:kiss: so I figured okay I can do this news paper teach bird that that body function is called potty when it relates start.


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Guest briansmum

thats a good idea summer, just haveing sheets of newspaper lieing about, convenient. i may try that. the only problem is, when brian flies anything on the floor near him does too.. so bye bye newsaper!

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