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A lot of firsts this week!!!


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It's AMAZING how in one week, Sully has changed so much!

He will be 6 months old on October 14. We have had him since July 11th, and he didn't do a lot of new things until just this week!


In the past week, he has started to really bond with my husband as well-something he hasn't done, and we were concerned he would never bond with him. Also, he has started to mimic my laugh and has developed his "call" that I think will be what we use to call him. It's just a whistle but it's HIS whistle that he repeats after you do it! He also took his first voluntary bath in his water bowl this morning. lol it was an experience!


I just finished college this week, so I think I'm going to be devoting my time to training him. I want to start off with simple tricks like touching things on comand and possibly working with him to put things in baskets later on. Do you think 6 months old (or almost) is a good time to train? He seems really impressionable right now, and I want to take advantage of that.


Hope everyone is having a good weekend! :cool:

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Cool! Sounds like Sully is really coming into his own. I expect he will be surprising you with lots of new things in the coming months.


It's great that he's warming up to your husband. I've learned that it's really important with greys to encourage socializing with all members of the family. Moussa has chosen me as his favorite, but I encourage my husband to take Moussa upstairs to his "man cave" with him occasionally, so my two guys can hang out together. Lol!


I don't think it's too early, if you want to teach him some tricks. Keep the training sessions short and fun.

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Josey is bonded to me but she tolerates my hubby, she will go to him sometimes and give him kisses, its a different relationship with him but then he doesn't really care for a one on one with her, the birds are mine plain and simple.

I can see that Sully will continue to amaze you in the coming months and years with what he can do and say, its never too soon to start teaching him but do keep the sessions short to keep them fun like Birdnut said.

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I'm glad you guys care! haha, i tell my non-fid parent friends about Sully's milestones.. and I get the "it's just a bird.. :rolleyes: " WHAT!?!?!?!?!?!? :mad:


He really has a personality... I'll tell ya! My hubby swore up and down that last night Sully said "eat" last night... lord help me if "eat" is that little piggy's first real word! lol

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