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Our New Older Grey


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I posted this in the Welcome forum, but this forum might be beter


We just got a 17 year old Grey. We have an Orange Wing Amazon as well, two dogs, and three cats. While we have always wanted a Grey, this was sort of a rescue mission. He was in a household htat had two children, one with severe birth defects, his cage was a dirty as I've ever seen a cage. He plucks around his neck and has orange stress marking on some feathers.


He seems to be adapting pretty well, given that it has just been a week. He talks up a storm and while he is still biting me, he will let me take him out of the cage on my hand and will step up when he is out of the cage. Any advice as to how to stop the biting is really welcome. My hands have scars all over them. Also any ideas as to how to stop the plucking.


We are having the vet look at him in a day or two. But we think he is going to be a happy fun addition to the family.



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Hi there,

Well done for taking on an older grey - he was clearly in a situation which wasn't suiting him.

The biting will possibly subside as he becomes more comfortable with his new surroundings - don't rush him but let him come round to you in his own time.

The plucking is maybe a trickier fix, depending on wether it's being caused by a physical or emotional problem. Get the vet to give him a thorough check up to rule out the physical, then hopefully in time, as with the biting, when he feels secure, loved, safe, stimulated and happy in his new home the plucking may stop.

Good luck with him and do let us know how you come on.

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Congratulations & way to go taking in an older grey!! :)


I agree with Pearllyn. First see if he has any health issues. Then, give him time & patience to acclimate & learn to trust you. He should be responsive to better living conditions. But especially as he's a little older, it will still take some time for him to accept change.


Right now it's about learning to speak his language & about getting acquainted. You have to work with him. Trust is the key here & you really have to earn it with a grey. Fear is the reason that a grey will bite most of the time. Then it's temper or to gain control which can also be fear based.


Also, it should certainly help that you have previous experiences with your zon. But try to be aware that greys have a different perspective on things. You might really enjoy this post & benefit from it as well:


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